·teaching objectives
·teaching contents
·key and difficult points
·major steps and time allocation
·activities and justifications
Teaching Contents: A passage about online shopping.
Teaching Objectives:
(1) Knowledge objectives
①Students can master the main idea of this passage.
②Students can learn the advantages and disadvantages of online shopping.
(2) Ability objective
Students can improve their reading and communicating abilities through class activities.
(3) Emotional objective
Students can improve their confidence of learning English*, and be not afraid of speaking English in class.
Teaching Key Points:
①Students can understand the advantages and disadvantages of online shopping.
②Students can comprehend the main idea of the passage.
Teaching Difficult Point:
Students can have a reasonable consumption online.
Major Steps:
Step 1 Pre-reading (6 minutes)
(1) Show some questions on the blackboard and ask students to have a discussion.
①Do you know how to buy something on the Internet
②Do you often buy things on the Interact
③What can you buy
(2) Ask students to predict the main idea of this passage.
(Justification: This step can arouse students' interest, and let them know the topic of this reading class.)
Step 2 While-reading (8 minutes)
(1) Fast reading
Ask students to read this short passage quickly in oneminute, and then conclude the main idea of each paragraph.
Ask students to examine their forecasts and conclude the main topic of this passage.
(Justification: Students can develop their skimming ability in this step.)
(2) Careful reading
Let students read this passage carefully again.
Show the table on the blackboard and ask students to discuss about the online shopping. Then ask some studentsto share their answers.
(Justification: Different ways of exploiting the text can help students not merely to cope with one particular textin class but to develop their reading strategies and reading ability.)
Step 3 Post-reading (6 minutes)
Choose two volunteers to have an interview about online shopping. One student acts as interviewer and the otherinterviewee. The knowledge they have learned in this class needs to be used in this interview.
(Justification: Students have the interview in their own way, which helps to make practical use of what they learnin this period. At the same time, students can have a better understanding of the topic.)
教师职业道德区别于其他职业道德的显著标志就是( )。
- A.为人师表
- B.清正廉洁
- C.敬业爱业
- D.团结协作
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- A.孔子
- B.孟子
- C.荀子
- D.韩非子
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心理学家所说的“危险期”或“心理断乳期”是指( )。
- A.童年期
- B.少年期
- C.青年期
- D.成年期
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教育工作中做到“因材施教”、“长善救失”符合年轻一代身心发展的( )。
- A.顺序性
- B.个别差异性
- C.不平衡性
- D.互补性
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德育过程与品德形成过程的关系是( )。
- A.是一致的,可以等同
- B.教育与发展的关系
- C.相互促进的关系
- D.相互包容的关系
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