


teaching objectives

teaching contents

key and difficult points

major steps and time allocation

activities and iustifications





3a Read the three notes. Match each note with the correct situation.

Thank-you note for a girl.

Thank-you note for a party.

Thank-you note for help.

Note 1

Dear Kim,

Sometimes it isn't easy being the new kid at school, but I had a wonderful time on Saturdaynight. Thank you so much for inviting me. I didn't know some of the girls, but they were allreally friendly to me. And the video you showed was really funny. I feel like part of the groupnow.


Note 2

Dear Ton,

Thanks for showing me the school last week. I was having a hard time finding it until youcame along. And I enjoyed meeting Carlos. He's really good at math, isn't he? He said he'dhelp me with my math project. Friends like you make it a lot easier to get along in a new place.


Note 3?

Dear Aleen,

Thanks for the tickets for next week's game. I'm sorry you and your father can't go, but I'mreally happy to have the tickets. I'm going to ask my cousin, Tommy, to go with me. I'll think ofyou as we watch the Black Socks win the game. (I hope! )

John36 Fill in the blanks in this thank-you note.

Dear Sarah,

for inviting me to your house on Friday. I reallymeeting your family.And your baby sister is really______. I had atime. I'm. I had to leaveearly, but I had a family dinner. My grandfather was having his 90th tirthday party!

Yours sincerely,




Teaching Contents: The material is about writing a thank-you note.

Teaching Objectives:

(l) Knowledge objective

Students can be more familiar with the topic of "thanks" and know how to express their thanks to others.

(2) Ability objective

Students can write a thank-you note logically and use it to express their thanks.

(3) Emotional objective

Students wilt have the awareness of express their thanks after others' help.

Teaching Key and Difficult Points:

How to make students master the methods and procedures of writing a thank-you note.

Teaching Procedures:

Step 1 Pre-writing (7 minutes)

At this step the teacher will ask students to do three activities.

Activity 1: Sample reading

Students will be asked to read 3a, and match each note with the correct situation by themselves.

Activity 2: Discussion

Students will be divided into 8 groups and have a discussion about"What else condition can you think out to write a thank-you note "

Then the teacher will make a summary on the useful ideas of writing a thank-you note.

Activity 3: Outlining

Students will be asked to read 3b, and illustrate the formation of letter.

Then the teacher will make a summary on the components of a thank-you note.

(Justification: The sample reading can help students have a basic understanding of the contents of a thank-you note. Through discussion, students' thoughts can be inspired by each other's sparkling points. The outlining can help students illustrate the main organizing structure and the most important points of the essay and make a preparation for the drafting.)

Step 2 Writing (18 minutes)

(1) Drafting

The teacher will set a situation that"you could write a letter to your friend or your parents to express your thanks for his or her help according to the formation and the notes" and give students enough time to write the first draft.

(2) Peer editing

After the drafting, the teacher will ask students to check their notes with their deskmates. They should read the passage and check the ideas or the logical development. Also, check carefully the grammar, spelling and punctuation of their writings.

(3) Revising

The teacher guides students to make necessary improvements in both organisation and contents based on their editing, e.g adding new points or deleting irrelevant facts, and correcting errors in spelling, punctuation, grammar or choice of words.

(Justification: Making the topic of writing close to students' life can stimulate their interests. Peer editing can provide an opportunity for students to share their writings and help them learn from each other. Proper guidance in revising can help students to make improvements in their writings.)

Step 3 Assessing (5 minutes)

The teacher will share two notes of the students and give some evaluations from the advantages and disadvantages.

Then the teacher will tell students the meaning of thanks and ask students to revise their notes according to the evaluations after class.

(Justification: This is also a very important part for students, from which they can find their mistakes and get to know how to correct them. It' s also a good chance for them to learn the meaning of thanks.)




教师职业道德区别于其他职业道德的显著标志就是(  )。

  • A.为人师表
  • B.清正廉洁
  • C.敬业爱业
  • D.团结协作


  • A.孔子
  • B.孟子
  • C.荀子
  • D.韩非子

心理学家所说的“危险期”或“心理断乳期”是指( )。

  • A.童年期
  • B.少年期
  • C.青年期
  • D.成年期

教育工作中做到“因材施教”、“长善救失”符合年轻一代身心发展的( )。

  • A.顺序性
  • B.个别差异性
  • C.不平衡性
  • D.互补性

德育过程与品德形成过程的关系是( )。

  • A.是一致的,可以等同
  • B.教育与发展的关系
  • C.相互促进的关系
  • D.相互包容的关系

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