●teaching objectives
●teaching contents
●key and difficult points
●major steps and time allocation
●activities and justifications
Who invented tea
Did you know that tea, the most popular drink in the world (after water), was invented byaccident Although tea wasn′t brought to the western world until 1610, this beverage wasdiscovered over three thousand years before that. According to an ancient Chinese legend, theemperor Shen Nong discovered tea when he was boiling drinking water over an open fire. Someleaves from a nearby bush fell into the water and remained there for some time. The emperor noticedthat the leaves in the water produced a pleasant smell. Later he decided to taste the hot mixture. Itwas quite delicious. And in this way, one of the world′s favorite drinks was invented.
Teaching Contents: An article about who invented tea.
Teaching Objectives:
(1) Knowledge objective
Students can know the source of tea.
(2) Ability objectives
Students can use the two reading strategies--skimming and scanning to get the information from the passage.
Meanwhile, they can describe the source or history of something in their writing by using the words and phrases in thepassage, such as invent by, bring to, according to, discover, produce.
(3) Emotional objectives
Students will have more interest in Chinese tea culture. Through group work, their cooperative awareness will beimproved.
Teaching Key and Difficult Points:
Students will improve their skimming and scanning skills and know bow to write an article about inventions infive aspects--"What" "Who" "Where" "When" "How".
Major Steps:
Step 1 Pre-reading (2 minutes)
The teacher shows the picture about the story of tea on the textbook which shows that a person sits on the chairwatching a glass of water and lets students guess what happens and predict the content about the reading material.
(Justification: Guessing part will focus students' attention on the main topic of the reading passage.)
Step 2 While-reading (9 minutes)
(l) Fast reading
The teacher asks students to read the short passage quickly and conclude the main idea. Then the teacher givessome feedback on students' ideas.
(Justification: This step trains students' skimming skills.)
(2) Careful reading
The teacher asks students to read the passage carefully and answer the following questions:
① When was tea brought to western world
②According to an ancient Chinese legend, who invented tea
③ How was tea invented
Then the teacher gives them positive feedback on their answers and tells them how to locate specific informationin reading.
(Justification: In the process of reading for the detailed information, students can have a better understanding ofthe passage.)
Step 3 Post-reading (9 minutes)
(1) Retelling
The teacher provides key words and phrases and students retell the passage according to these words. If studentshave some difficulties in the process of retelling, the teacher gives them some hints or encouragement.
(2) Writing
Students are divided into several groups of four. The teacher asks students to talk about the great inventions theyknow in five aspects-- "What" "Who" "Where" "When" "How" and write an article by using the phrases and wordsin the box.
A fter students finish their writing, one student in each group shares his/her work to the class and the teacher givessome evaluation on their writings.
(Justification: Retelling can help students strengthen what they have learned during the lesson. After retelling,writing in groups can help students to express their ideas in another form, which can develop their writing abilities andcooperative awareness.)
《普通高中历史课程标准(2017 年版)》规定:通过了解三国两晋南北朝政权更迭的历史脉络,隋唐时期封建社会的高度繁荣,认识三国两晋南北朝至隋唐时期的制度变化与创新,民族交融、区域开发和思想文化领域的新成就。
唐朝是中国文学发展的又一个高峰。诗歌创作进入黄金时代。流传下来的有 2000 多位诗人创作的近 5 万首诗歌,很多脍炙人口的佳作,成为千古绝唱。李白、杜甫的诗作代表了唐诗的最高水平,他们分别被誉为“诗仙”和“诗圣”。
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(1)对这位教师的讲述,你如何评价?请说出你的理由。(6 分)
(2)历史教师在讲授有关思想史的内容时应注意哪些问题?(10 分)
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(1)这道题主要考查了什么内容和能力,难易度如何?(6 分)
(2)请从学生知识和题目命制两个方面,分析学生误选 D 项的原因。(6 分)
(3)针对上述原因,教师应采取哪些改进策略?(4 分)
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1905 年 8 月 9 日,在美国的调停下,日、俄在美国的朴茨茅斯开始谈判。9 月 5 日,日俄两国签订《朴茨茅斯和约》,重要条款包括:①俄国承认日本在朝鲜的独占利益;②俄国将辽东半岛的租借权、南满铁路及有关特权均无偿转让给日本;③以北纬 50 度为界,将库页岛南部及其附近岛屿让给日本;④俄国在中国东北撤兵,除辽东半岛外,东北的一切地方均交还中国。
(1)材料中所说的《朴茨茅斯和约》签订的历史背景是什么?(8 分)
(2)根据材料并结合所学知识,概述这一和约对中国造成的危害。(8 分)
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