

●teaching objectives

●teaching contents

●key and difficult points

●major steps and time allocation

●activities and justifications







Teaching contents:The focus of this lesson is on learning the words and sentences related to diseases.

Teaching objectives:

(1)Knowledge objectives

Be able to master the pronunciation,meaning and spelling of the names of diseases:stomachache,sore back,fever,toothache;

Be able to learn the expressions of giving advice:lie down and rest,see a dentist,get an X-ray,take her temperature;

Be able to talk about health problems by using“What’s the matterI have a…”and give advice by using“You should…/You shouldn’t…”

(2)Ability objectives

Be able to talk about one’s health problems and give advice fluently;

Be able to role play doctor and patient.

(3)Emotion objectives

Improve the cooperative spirit through pair work and role playing

Care more about yourself and your family members’health.

Teaching key points:

(1)Master the names of diseases:stomachache,sore back,fever,toothache;

(2)Master the expressions of giving advice:lie down and rest,see a dentist,get an X-ray,take her temperature;

(3)Talk about health problems by using“What’s the matterI have a…”and give advice by using“You should…/You shouldn’t…”

Teaching difficult points:

(1)Students remember all the target new words in class:

(2)Students give appropriate advice to the certain disease because of their limited life experience.

Teaching procedures:

Step 1 Warming up(3 minutes)

Show a body image on the PPT.The teacher points to a body part,and students name it.Accordingly,the English spelling appears on the PPT next to the body part.

(Justification:The body image will help students review the words related to body.)

Step 2 Presentation and practice(17 minutes)

Task 1 Present the words

Show students a bandage and tell them there is something wrong in the place where the bandage lies.Then get students to guess the health problems.For example,when I put the bandage on the stomach,ask students:“What’s the matter with me”Help students say:“I'm not feeling well.I have a stomachache.”

Teach the other target words in the same way.

(Justification:The bondage will arouse students’curiosity and attract them to participate in the learning activity.Under the teacher's guidance,students learn the new words.)

Activity:Pair work

Put the bandage on the part of a student’s body and ask:“What’s the matter”and guide him to use the pattern:I’m not feeling well.I have a…Then ask students to work in pairs and talk about health problems by using the bandage given and using the target language:What’s the matterI'm not feeling well.I have a…

(Justification:Through pair work,students consolidate the new words and also perceive the target sentence.)

Task 2 Presentation of expressions of giving advice

Activity 1 Qs and As

Tell students that“I have a cold/cough”,ask them:What should I doStudents may give different answers,collect their answers and help them to use:You should/shouldn’t do…

Then show some pictures of other diseases mentioned before and ask them to give advice to each problem by using target language:You should/shouldn’t do…

During this activity,some phrases will be learned.

(Justification:Trough Qs and As the teacher presents and concludes the phrases into“You should/shouldn’t do…”)

Activity 2 Pair work

Show students two bags.In one bag,there are pieces of paper with problems while in the other one,there are pieces of paper with advice.Have a competition between boys and girls.Take turns to get paper.

For example,one boy get some paper with problem,and one girl gets one paper with advice.The girl should say:What's the matter with youThe boy should answer the question according to the problem he got by saying:I’m not feeling well.I have a…If the girl got the right advice,she should answer it according to her paper:You should…If it is not,she should say:You shouldn’t,then given the right advice.The one who makes right sentence can get one point.

(Justification:Students use the sentence to finish the pair work.)

Step 3 Production(20 minutes)

Activity 1 Making a conversation

The teacher sets a situation that a patient sees a doctor.Students imagine what conversation will take place between the doctor and the patient.They are given 5 minutes to discuss in groups.another 5 minutes to write a conversation.During students’discussion,the teacher should walk around the classroom and encourage students to use more sentences they have learned by recalling what conversation happened when they saw a doctor in real life.For example:

A:What’s the matter with you

B:rm not feeling well.I have a__________.

A:When did it start


A:Oh,that's too bad./I'm sorry to hear that.You should/shouldn’t__________and you should/shouldn't__________.

B:Yes,I think so.


B:Thank you,doctor.

(Justification:Imaging and making a conversation between the doctor and the patient makes the class activity closely related to the real life.)

Activity 2 Role playing

Ask students to make a four-people group,one of them is a doctor,the other three are patients.Ask the students to role play the dialogue above.Then ask several groups to perform by using some tools:bandage,a uniform,a stethoscope.Other students should act as a judge to select the best doctor and the best patient.

(Justification:This activity further applies the target knowledge to real life.Through role play,students can develop their speaking and listening skills.This is also a visual way to assess students’mastery of the knowledge.)

Step 4 Summary and homework(5 minutes)

Students and teacher summarize what they have learned together.Students write the summary in their note book.

Homework:(1)Recite the new words and phrases.

(2)Give advice to parents/friends in English if they don’t feel well.

(Justification:The summary and homework can consolidate the knowledge learned in class.)

Board plan:







《普通高中历史课程标准(2017 年版)》规定:通过了解三国两晋南北朝政权更迭的历史脉络,隋唐时期封建社会的高度繁荣,认识三国两晋南北朝至隋唐时期的制度变化与创新,民族交融、区域开发和思想文化领域的新成就。



唐朝是中国文学发展的又一个高峰。诗歌创作进入黄金时代。流传下来的有 2000 多位诗人创作的近 5 万首诗歌,很多脍炙人口的佳作,成为千古绝唱。李白、杜甫的诗作代表了唐诗的最高水平,他们分别被誉为“诗仙”和“诗圣”。







(1)对这位教师的讲述,你如何评价?请说出你的理由。(6 分)

(2)历史教师在讲授有关思想史的内容时应注意哪些问题?(10 分)








(1)这道题主要考查了什么内容和能力,难易度如何?(6 分)

(2)请从学生知识和题目命制两个方面,分析学生误选 D 项的原因。(6 分)

(3)针对上述原因,教师应采取哪些改进策略?(4 分)



1905 年 8 月 9 日,在美国的调停下,日、俄在美国的朴茨茅斯开始谈判。9 月 5 日,日俄两国签订《朴茨茅斯和约》,重要条款包括:①俄国承认日本在朝鲜的独占利益;②俄国将辽东半岛的租借权、南满铁路及有关特权均无偿转让给日本;③以北纬 50 度为界,将库页岛南部及其附近岛屿让给日本;④俄国在中国东北撤兵,除辽东半岛外,东北的一切地方均交还中国。



(1)材料中所说的《朴茨茅斯和约》签订的历史背景是什么?(8 分)

(2)根据材料并结合所学知识,概述这一和约对中国造成的危害。(8 分)




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