Often heard people complain about, why not my face, why so bad weather today, why do I livein such a poor family, why God told me ... why should we complain about it complained that it?Life was not all the best, life was not perfect, on the contrary, the ups and downs, is the routine. Do not complain, evervone's life will not be easy, but precisely because of these?twists and turns?infolding wave, acquired a colourful life.
If we can often look at the issue from another angle, you might easily find the life is still veryexciting. You can't change the face, smile, why don't you think about indulgence; you can'tchange the weather, why don't you change the mood? As the saying goes: after the storm. The sameis true of life, after training can often make life wonderful.
China, a writer came to the United States, he saw a flower of the old lady is always veryhappy, very strange. He would pick a flower asked:"Why are you always so happy?" Replied theold lady. And it made the writer stand in amazement."That Jesus was crucified is the world'sdarkest day, three days later to Easter. All the trouble to wait for three days as long as the right notto vanish into thin air?" Writer for the old lady answered and moved an old lady could look at thisfree and easy life, could see so thoroughly to life. King inventors--Edison filament do in order tofind the best materials have been done a 1,000 experiment many times and failed. Have a laugh athis neighbour, "Do you know to do 1,000 experiments have failed many times?" Edison said, "I amnot found more than 1,000 kinds of inappropriate material filament so it?" Edison failed to look atfrom another angle, he is quite sure that it can be the most suitable materials, is precisely becauseof this self-confidence, they are able to make unremitting efforts, finally successful.
People to love life, love life, to have self-confidence, it is necessary to make unremitting effortstowards the target, like Ai Qin
- A.Good luck will come three days later
- B.Time can appease of wound
- C.Looking at issues from another angle will make you happy
- D.People should be hopeful to the future
第三段中,老太太说:“耶稣被钉在十字架上是全世界最黑暗的一一天,可三天后就是复活节,一切的烦恼只要等待三天不就烟消云散了吗 ”,而第三段为第二段提供了例证,即换个角度看问题就可以活得精彩。因此.老太太这番话意为:换个角度看问题便可豁然开朗。c项符合。
- A.臧克家
- B.田间
- C.艾青
- D.许地山
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将下列各项按所表示年龄大小顺序排列,正确的顺序应是( )。
- A.②④①⑦⑤③⑥
- B.④②③⑥①⑦⑤
- C.⑥⑤③②④⑦①
- D.②④⑤①⑦③⑥
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- A.郡县制
- B.察举制
- C.科举制
- D.行省制
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- A.增设军机处
- B.采用三省六部制
- C.废除丞相.权分六部
- D.设中书省为全国最高行政机构
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1931年,一位给人们带来光明的科学家重病的消息牵动着世界人民的心,几十名记者为他守夜。每隔一个小时就对外发布一次消息:“灯”还亮着。这位科学家是( )。
- A.瓦特
- B.法拉第
- C.爱迪生
- D.爱因斯坦
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