

校报英语版征文,题目为“Follow and Grow (家规促成长)”,你写一篇文章投稿,包括以下内容:











One possible version:

Follow and Grow

A country has its laws and a family has its rules, too. My family also has some rules.

My parents don’t allow me to play computer games in my free time. I am not allowed to stay up late because they think teenagers should have enough sleep to keep healthy. I can’t go out on school nights. Because they worry about my safety.

I think my parents are too strict with me. But I understand they really love me. I communicate with my parents as much as possible, sharing my happiness and sadness with them. And I often help them with housework. All in all, I love my family rules which make me grow.






校报英语版征文,题目为“Follow and Grow (家规促成长)”,你写一篇文章投稿,包括以下内容:











  • A.坚持了民族区域自治这一根本政治制度
  • B.弘扬了以团结统一为核心的民族精神
  • C.自觉履行了维护和促进民族团结的义务
  • D.敢于同一切制造民族分裂的行为作斗争


Xiangiang Middle School encourages the students to have different talents. Mike plays the guitar at school, and Max plays the drums. They both play very well. All the students like to enjoy their music. There are more than 50 clubs in the school, but they want to do something different. One day Mike and Max decided for the school’s first marching band(行进乐队). But they needed more musical instruments (器) and members.

Mike and Max put up a sign asking anyone who plays a musical instrument to join. Many students were really interested in this. Soon they got a lot of answers.

Sam really wanted to join the band, but he had one huge problem. He could not play any musical instrument. Sophia also wanted to join the band, but she played the harp (竖琴). The harp is too big. She can’t carry it while playing.

“How can you be in our band?” Mike asked Sophia.“You play the harp sitting down, how can you march?”

All the band members wanted Sophia to play in the band. But they also wanted to march. Where is the way?

Then Max had an idea. He invited Sam and Sophia to join the band. Max asked his father for help. His father is good at creating. He made a big board with four wheels. Then Max asked Sam to ride a bicycle to pull the board with Sophia and her harp on it. Sam could use the bicycle’s bell as a kind of musical instrument.

The band members loved Max’s idea and everyone loved the marching band’s great music.

1. How many clubs are there in the school?


2.What could Sophia play?


3.Who rode a bicycle in the band?


4.What did Max’s father do for the band?


5. Why was Sam able to join the band?





  • A.我国人口老龄化加剧
  • B.我国人口性别结构改善
  • C.我国总人口增速趋缓
  • D.我国人口素质不断提高


The Internet and your friends influence your beauty standards. 1. 你的朋友总是在网上发照片。They want to show off their beautiful dresses or strong bodies, and you will compare yourself to them.

First of all, not to follow popular beauty standards blindly. They are out of reach for 99% of us, so it’s better to just forget about them.

2. Another suggestion is to tell yourself that you are special. Talk about your feelings with someone you trust. Hearing how much they value you can help you feel comfortable in your own skin. 3.每个人都了不起。Everyone has their own talents.

Finally, it is a good idea to try to direct your attention away from bad thoughts. To achieve this, you should do something you enjoy. You can enjoy yourselves by learning. 4. This is a lifelong journey because every day brings something new. You can also take part in social activities, like playing sports with your friends. These things can help you take your mind off matters that worry you and make you feel good about yourself.

You may often judge yourself by what is on the outside, not on the inside. However, like a book, your contents are much more important than your cover. 5. Dont judge a book by its cover. If you can learn to see the good things about yourself, you will soon begin to love yourself just the way you are.


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