单选题 (一共190题,共190分)


地球上生物生长的大部分能量来自于( )


当在Windows操作系统中打开了多个应用程序时,切换窗口应使用的快捷键是( )。


Windows中利用“查找”窗口不能按( )


在Word的编辑状态下,当前输入的文字显示在( )。




由于银行的业务性质要求银行要维持存款人、贷款人和整个市场的信心,因此,银行通常将( )看做对其市场价值最大的威胁。


关于死锁,下列说法中正确的是( )。










“道”是中国古代哲学的重要范畴,其中老子所说的“道”是指:( )


9个各不相同的正整数的和是220,其中最小的五个正整数的和的最大值是多少?( )


开启操作系统就是( )。


用以反映债权债务或权利责任已经形成,但尚未涉及资金增减变化的会计事项以及保管债券、单证等事项的是( )。



这段文字意在说明( )。



这段文字主要介绍了( )。



这段文字主要介绍了( )。



作者接下来最有可能讲述的是( )。



这段文字意在说明( )。



文段主要说的内容是( )。



填入划横线部分最恰当的一句是( )。



文段意在告诉我们( )。



下列不是造成目前文学作品低俗的原因的一项是( )。






⑤所以使用汉字的人因局部脑损伤而导致失读的可能性也就大大减少了⑥其原因就在于汉字的认知是左右脑并用,而非只有左脑在单独发挥作用将以上6个句子重新排列,语序正确的是( )。







将以上6个句子重新排列,语序正确的是( )。










将以上6个句子重新排列,语序正确的是( )。


下列各句中,没有语病的一句是( )。


下面句子中,有语病的一句话是( )。


下列各句中,没有语病的一句是( )。



根据上述定义,以下不属于竞争优势效应的是( )。



根据上述定义,下列最可能属于内倾型的是( )。



根据上述定义,下列各项中没有涉到上述三种权力的是( )。



根据上述定义,下列属于再定位的是( )。



根据上述定义,下列属于金融租赁的是( )。








某单位招聘了甲、乙、丙、丁、戊5名新员工,每位员工被分配到不同的部门,并且满足以下条件( )。







山无棱,天地合。乃敢与君绝。如果上述断定为真,那么以下选项也一定为真的是( )。


从所给的四个选项中,选择最合适的一个填入问号处,使之呈现~定的规律性( )。





从所给的四个选项中,选择最合适的一个填入问号处,使之呈现一定的规律性( )。





下列所给图形的左侧是一完整的立方体,中间和右侧再加上下列选项中的( )就可以构成左侧的完整的立方体。



把下面的六个图形分为两类,使每一类图形都有各自的共同特征或规律。分类正确的一项是( )。



把下面的六个图形分为两类,使每一类图形都有各自的共同特征或规律,分类正确的一 项是( )。




项是( )。




















植树节某班20名同学在一段直线公路一侧植树,每人植一棵,相邻两棵树相距l0米,开始时需将树苗集中放置在某一树坑旁边,现将树坑从l到20依次编号,为使各位同学从各自树坑前来领取树苗所走的路程总和最小,树苗可以放置的最佳坑位的编号为( )。




有l25个棱长均为1的正方体,其中100个表面为白色,25个表面为蓝色。将这些正方体组成一个大正方体,表面为白色的面积至少为( )。’




A、B、C、D、E、F六个足球队进行单循环赛,当比赛进行到某一天时,统计出A、B、C、D、E五个队分别比赛了5、4、3、2、1场球。由此可知还没有与F队比赛的球队是( )。

( )。





每天小明上学都要经过一段平路AB、一段上坡路BC和一段下坡路CD。已知AB:BC:CD=1:2:1,并且小明在平路、上坡路、下坡路上的速度比为3:2:4。那么小明上学与放学回家所用的时间比是( )。



建造一个容积为8立方米,深为2米的长方体无盖水池。如果池底和池壁的造价分别为120元/平方米和80元/平方米,那么水池的最低总造价是( )元。





2010年2月15日后第80天的日期是( )。


1987,1789,1591,1393,( )








所谓自然垄断是指( )。


如果人们工资增加,则增加的将是( )。


关于“政府失灵”的叙述,正确的是( )。


下列关于公共物品或服务的提供及受益范围的表述中,错误的是( )。


下列行为中最接近于完全竞争市场模式的是( )。


由国家补贴保险基金的保险称为( )。


回购协议中所交易的证券主要是( )。


目前.在国际市场上较多采用的债券全额包销方式为( )。


决定债券内在价值(现值)的主要变量不包括( )。


买入债券后持有一段时间,又在债券到期前将其出售而得到的收益率为( )。


债券投资者投资风险中的非系统性风险是( )。


按( )的方式不同,股票流通市场分为议价买卖和竞价买卖。


从股票的本质上讲,形成股票价格的基础是( )。


下列( )不是市场风险的特征。


商业银行不动用本身资金,为顾客提供的各类服务的业务是( )。


下列账簿中。一般不需根据记账凭证登记的账簿是( )。



须采用( )账簿。



准是( )。


新的会计年度开始,启用新账时,可继续使用不必更换的账簿是( )。


根据合同法规定,按政府定价执行的合同,如果供方逾期供货,遇价格上涨时,供方正确的做法是( )。


甲公司与乙饮料厂签订一份买卖纯净水的合同,约定提货时付款。甲公司提货时称公司出纳员突发急病,支票一时拿不出来,要求先提货,过两天再把货款送来,乙饮料厂拒绝了甲公司的要求。乙饮料厂行使的这种权利称为( )。


王某与李某签订合同,在王某承包的土地上为李某设定地役权,李某取得地役权的时间为( )。



付货款。之后,甲了解到,乙借给丙的一笔款项已到期,但乙一直不向丙催讨欠款,于是,甲向人民法院请求以甲的名义向丙催讨欠款。甲请求人民法院以自己的名义向丙催讨欠款的权利在法律上称为( )。


在交谈中使用的语言不标准不规范,会使人误解,令交谈无法顺利进行,导致不良的后果,这种应该避免的行为属于( )。


双边业务谈判时,如果谈判桌一端对着人Vl,则以进入正门的方向为准,来宾居( )而坐,东道主则坐在另一边。


消费者在选择卖主时,真正看重的是顾客让渡价值。顾客让渡价值是( )的差额。


数字化整合营销可以概括为“一四二”模式,“一”代表一个中心,即( )。


在衡量计算机的主要性能指标中,字长是( )。


在资源管理器的文件栏中,文件夹是按照( )关系来组织的。


一条指令必须包括( )。


DOS系统的热启动与冷启动的不同之处在于,热启动( )。




关于Word打印操作的说法正确的是( )。


在Word 2000的编辑状态下,打开了文档“myl.doc”,把当前文档以“my2.doc”为名进行“另存为”操作,则( )。



德”的别名,在这里,“蓝牙”的寓意是( )。


秦汉以来儒家思想不断发展。下列选项中属于吸收外来文化因素、阐释儒家思想的著作是( )。






蒸汽机的发明者是( )。


我国最基层的人民政府是( )。



却在战后获得了很多权益。其中一项权益是( )






会。上述历史事件出现的先后顺序是( )。


我国制定和处理民族关系的基本原则和基本政策是以( )。


以下是中国古代一位帝王改革的内容:推行均田制,迁都洛阳,革除鲜卑旧俗、接受汉族先进文化.改革官制、严惩贪污……这位帝王是( )。


有两个大小不同的圆,直径都增加l厘米,则它们的周长( )。


下列氧化还原反应不会对人类的生活、生产造成危害的是( )。


近年来。智能手机市场的竞争Et趋激烈。除传统手机制造商外,许多网络公司也纷纷斥资研发智能手机,并将内置其网络产品的智能手机推向市场。在下列选项中,能够解释“网络公司造手机”原因的是( )。


我国民间有这样的一种说法:“种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆”,这句话反映了亲代与子代之间在形态、结构和生理功能上非常相似,这就是( )。


恩格斯称赞一位近代科学家的研究成就是“自然科学的独立宣言”,他指的应是( )。


世界上国家和地区分布最多的洲是( )。


被称为当今世界第一资源的是( )。


世界上已知的矿产在中国均能找到,且储量丰富。目前,已经探明储量的矿产有l57种,总储量居世界第( )位。


地膜覆盖具有保温、保湿、保土等作用,可有效提高农作物产量和农产品质量。我国目前使用的地膜多是超薄型地膜,易破,难回收,难以自然降解。下列地区相比较,地膜覆盖的保湿、保温、保土作用最显著的是( )。


国家主席习近平于2013年10月4日在马来西亚国家皇宫会见马来西亚最高元首哈利姆。马来西亚已成为中国在东盟第( )大贸易伙伴,两国合作日益紧密,共同利益日益扩大。


联合国教科文组织总干事博科娃在2013年11月25日举行的第六届世界科学论坛上,向中国科学家( )颁发了“卡林加奖”,这是中国人第一次获得该奖项。


为进一步推进利率市场化,完善金融市场基准利率体系,指导信贷市场产品定价,2013年10月2513,( )集中报价和发布机制正式运行。



亿元人民币/450亿欧元的中欧双边本币互换协议,旨在为双边经贸往来提供支持,并维护金融稳定。互换协议有效期是( )年,经双方同意可以展期。


2013年10月7日至8日.亚太经合组织(APEC)第二十一次领导人非正式会议在( )召开,此次系列会议为期一周。


2013年10月10日。在日本熊本市举行的联合国环境规划署国际会议通过了《水俣公约》,旨在限制( )在世界范围内的使用、进口及出Vl。


据诺贝尔奖官方网站消息,( )获得2013年度诺贝尔和平奖,这是挪威诺贝尔委员会第25次将和平奖颁发给机构组织。


经合组织2013年10月15日宣布,瑞士政府当天在法国巴黎正式签署《多边税收征管互助公约》。经合组织税务政策中心主任帕斯卡尔·圣阿芒认为,这是国际社会打击逃避税行为“十分重要的一步”,意味着瑞士银行( )制度的终结。


古巴共产党中央机关报《格拉玛报))2013年10月22日发表官方公告称,古巴政府将废除货币双轨制政策,实现( )的统一。‘



副部长、中国联合国教科文组织全国委员会主任( )当选联合国教科文组织第三十七届大会主席。


以下不属于交通银行的业务的是( )。


以下不属于交银理财专属产品的是( )。


交通银行始建于( )年,是中国历史最悠久的银行之一,也是近代中国的发钞行之一。


截止到2013年年末,交通银行的境外机构有( )个。


以下不属于交通银行境外分支机构的是( )。


The team manager charged Michelle Palamides with the task of__________the epartment sd'webpage for the company's new intranet.


Dr. Calerin's efforts could lead to the development of a treatment for cancer, but they havereceived __________ media attention.


Ms. Arroya says that when workshop__________begins to slow down, it may be time to hiremore workers.


An investigation by the committee uncovered__________ instances in which the institution'sresources had been misused.


Ms. Hartfield will make an excellent executive because, when confronted with a problem,she knows __________ what course of action to take.


The advertisement for the security guard position says that applicants must be able to remain __________ for six hours straight.


It will take at least two weeks for the board members to review __________work on the budget proposals.


Surprisingly, the nation's high rate Of unemployment has only affected __________stock

prices in the technology market so far.


Though they are not possess the best technology, never underestimate the __________ of adetermined manager working with motivated staff members.


The management believes that __________all of the damaged goods will cost more than hiring a contractor to repair them.


To reduce confusion and inefficiency,__________ office supplies should now be ordered through the new online system.


Once we begin__________ these files according to their content and date, our computer network drive will seem less confusing.


This position requires someone who is__________ of making complex decisions in a high- pressure environment.


Ms. Adams is hoping that the committee officers will consider__________ request for a new computer system soon.


Contests that promise cash prizes for winners are often used by employer to__________ their workers.


Once Mr. Sato finishes showing the_________ around the facility, the interview process will begin.


The chapter on reimbursements in the employee handbook advises__________ to report any travel expenses to the financial department.


You are cordially invited to a formal_____being held in honor of the company's new vice president.


Team members must understand that the project they have__________ will demand all of their time and energy.


Anyone who wishes to join the senior marketing team should be_________ that we work longer hours than most other members of the firm.


When it comes to friends, I desire those who will share my happiness, who possess wings of their own and who will fly with me. I seek friends whose qualities illuminate me and train me up for love. It is for these people that I reserve the glowing hours, too good not to share.

When I was in the eighth grade, I had a friend. We were shy and "too serious" about our stud- ies when it was becoming fashionable with our classmates to learn acceptable social behaviors. We said little at school, but she would come to my house and we would sit down with pencils and paper, and one of us would say:"Let's start with a train whistle today." We would sit quietly together and write separate poems or stories that grew out of a train whistle. Then we would read them aloud. At the end of that school year, we were changing into social creatures and the stories and poems stopped.

When I lived for a time in London, I had a friend, he was in despair and I was in despair. But our friendship was based on the idea in each of us that we would be sorry later if we did not explore this great city because we had felt bad at the time. We met every Sunday for five weeks and found many excellent things. We walked until our despairs disappeared and then we parted. We gave London to each other.

For almost four years I have had remarkable friend whose imagination illuminates mine. We write long letters in which we often discover our strangest selves. Each of us appears, sometimes in


a funny way, in the other's dreams. She and I agree that, at certain times, we seem to be parts of the same mind. In my most interesting moments, I often think : "Yes, I must tell..." We have never met.

It is such comforting companions I wish to keep. One bright hour with their kind is worth more to me than the lifetime services of a psychologist,who will only fill up the healing silence necessary to those darkest moments in which I would rather be my own best friend.

In the eighth grade, what the author did before developing proper social behavior was to_________.


When it comes to friends, I desire those who will share my happiness, who possess wings of their own and who will fly with me. I seek friends whose qualities illuminate me and train me up for love. It is for these people that I reserve the glowing hours, too good not to share.

When I was in the eighth grade, I had a friend. We were shy and "too serious" about our stud- ies when it was becoming fashionable with our classmates to learn acceptable social behaviors. We said little at school, but she would come to my house and we would sit down with pencils and paper, and one of us would say:"Let's start with a train whistle today." We would sit quietly together and write separate poems or stories that grew out of a train whistle. Then we would read them aloud. At the end of that school year, we were changing into social creatures and the stories and poems stopped.

When I lived for a time in London, I had a friend, he was in despair and I was in despair. But our friendship was based on the idea in each of us that we would be sorry later if we did not explore this great city because we had felt bad at the time. We met every Sunday for five weeks and found many excellent things. We walked until our despairs disappeared and then we parted. We gave London to each other.

For almost four years I have had remarkable friend whose imagination illuminates mine. We write long letters in which we often discover our strangest selves. Each of us appears, sometimes in


a funny way, in the other's dreams. She and I agree that, at certain times, we seem to be parts of the same mind. In my most interesting moments, I often think : "Yes, I must tell..." We have never met.

It is such comforting companions I wish to keep. One bright hour with their kind is worth more to me than the lifetime services of a psychologist,who will only fill up the healing silence necessary to those darkest moments in which I would rather be my own best friend.

In paragraph 3, "We gave London to each other" probably means__________.


When it comes to friends, I desire those who will share my happiness, who possess wings of their own and who will fly with me. I seek friends whose qualities illuminate me and train me up for love. It is for these people that I reserve the glowing hours, too good not to share.

When I was in the eighth grade, I had a friend. We were shy and "too serious" about our stud- ies when it was becoming fashionable with our classmates to learn acceptable social behaviors. We said little at school, but she would come to my house and we would sit down with pencils and paper, and one of us would say:"Let's start with a train whistle today." We would sit quietly together and write separate poems or stories that grew out of a train whistle. Then we would read them aloud. At the end of that school year, we were changing into social creatures and the stories and poems stopped.

When I lived for a time in London, I had a friend, he was in despair and I was in despair. But our friendship was based on the idea in each of us that we would be sorry later if we did not explore this great city because we had felt bad at the time. We met every Sunday for five weeks and found many excellent things. We walked until our despairs disappeared and then we parted. We gave London to each other.

For almost four years I have had remarkable friend whose imagination illuminates mine. We write long letters in which we often discover our strangest selves. Each of us appears, sometimes in


a funny way, in the other's dreams. She and I agree that, at certain times, we seem to be parts of the same mind. In my most interesting moments, I often think : "Yes, I must tell..." We have never met.

It is such comforting companions I wish to keep. One bright hour with their kind is worth more to me than the lifetime services of a psychologist,who will only fill up the healing silence necessary to those darkest moments in which I would rather be my own best friend.

According to paragraph 4, the author and her friend__________.


When it comes to friends, I desire those who will share my happiness, who possess wings of their own and who will fly with me. I seek friends whose qualities illuminate me and train me up for love. It is for these people that I reserve the glowing hours, too good not to share.

When I was in the eighth grade, I had a friend. We were shy and "too serious" about our stud- ies when it was becoming fashionable with our classmates to learn acceptable social behaviors. We said little at school, but she would come to my house and we would sit down with pencils and paper, and one of us would say:"Let's start with a train whistle today." We would sit quietly together and write separate poems or stories that grew out of a train whistle. Then we would read them aloud. At the end of that school year, we were changing into social creatures and the stories and poems stopped.

When I lived for a time in London, I had a friend, he was in despair and I was in despair. But our friendship was based on the idea in each of us that we would be sorry later if we did not explore this great city because we had felt bad at the time. We met every Sunday for five weeks and found many excellent things. We walked until our despairs disappeared and then we parted. We gave London to each other.

For almost four years I have had remarkable friend whose imagination illuminates mine. We write long letters in which we often discover our strangest selves. Each of us appears, sometimes in


a funny way, in the other's dreams. She and I agree that, at certain times, we seem to be parts of the same mind. In my most interesting moments, I often think : "Yes, I must tell..." We have never met.

It is such comforting companions I wish to keep. One bright hour with their kind is worth more to me than the lifetime services of a psychologist,who will only fill up the healing silence necessary to those darkest moments in which I would rather be my own best friend.

In the darkest moments, the author would prefer to


When it comes to friends, I desire those who will share my happiness, who possess wings of their own and who will fly with me. I seek friends whose qualities illuminate me and train me up for love. It is for these people that I reserve the glowing hours, too good not to share.

When I was in the eighth grade, I had a friend. We were shy and "too serious" about our stud- ies when it was becoming fashionable with our classmates to learn acceptable social behaviors. We said little at school, but she would come to my house and we would sit down with pencils and paper, and one of us would say:"Let's start with a train whistle today." We would sit quietly together and write separate poems or stories that grew out of a train whistle. Then we would read them aloud. At the end of that school year, we were changing into social creatures and the stories and poems stopped.

When I lived for a time in London, I had a friend, he was in despair and I was in despair. But our friendship was based on the idea in each of us that we would be sorry later if we did not explore this great city because we had felt bad at the time. We met every Sunday for five weeks and found many excellent things. We walked until our despairs disappeared and then we parted. We gave London to each other.

For almost four years I have had remarkable friend whose imagination illuminates mine. We write long letters in which we often discover our strangest selves. Each of us appears, sometimes in


a funny way, in the other's dreams. She and I agree that, at certain times, we seem to be parts of the same mind. In my most interesting moments, I often think : "Yes, I must tell..." We have never met.

It is such comforting companions I wish to keep. One bright hour with their kind is worth more to me than the lifetime services of a psychologist,who will only fill up the healing silence necessary to those darkest moments in which I would rather be my own best friend.

What is the best title for the passage?


Consumers are being confused and misled by the hodge-podge of environmental claims made by household products, according to a "green labeling" study published by Consumers International Friday.

Among the report's more outrageous findings--a German fertilizer described itself as "earthworm friendly" a brand of flour said it was "non-polluting" and a British toilet paper claimed to be "environmentally friendlier".

The study was written and researched by Britain's National Consumer Council (NCC) for lobby group Consumer International. It was funded by the German and Dutch governments and the European Commission.

"While many good and useful claims are being made, it is clear there is a long way to go in ensuring shoppers are adequately informed about the environmental impact of products they buy." said Consumers International director Anna Fielder.

The lO-country study surveyed product packaging in Britain, Western Europe, Scandinavia and the United States. It found that products sold in Germany and the United Kingdom made the most environmental claims on average.

The report focused on claims made by specific products, such as detergent insect sprays and by some garden products. It did not test the claims, but compared them to labeling guidelines set by the International Standards Organization (ISO) in September,1999.

Researchers documented claims of environmental friendliness made by about 2,000 products and found many too vague or too misleading to meet ISO standards.

"Many products had specially-designed labels to make them seem environmentally friendly, but in fact many of these symbols mean nothing." said report researcher Philip Page.

"Laundry detergents made the most number of claims with 158. Household cleaners were second with 145 separate claims, while paints were third on our list with 73. The high numbers show how very confusing it must be for consumers to sort the true from the misleading." he said.

The ISO labeling standards ban vague or misleading claims on product packaging, because terms such as "environmentally friendly" and "non-polluting" can not be verified. "What we are now pushing for is to have multinational corporations meet the standards set by the ISO." said Page.

According to the passage, the NCC found it outrageous that_________.


Consumer International. It was funded by the German and Dutch governments and the European Commission.

"While many good and useful claims are being made, it is clear there is a long way to go in ensuring shoppers are adequately informed about the environmental impact of products they buy." said Consumers International director Anna Fielder.

The lO-country study surveyed product packaging in Britain, Western Europe, Scandinavia and the United States. It found that products sold in Germany and the United Kingdom made the most environmental claims on average.

The report focused on claims made by specific products, such as detergent insect sprays and by some garden products. It did not test the claims, but compared them to labeling guidelines set by the International Standards Organization (ISO) in September,1999.

Researchers documented claims of environmental friendliness made by about 2,000 products and found many too vague or too misleading to meet ISO standards.

"Many products had specially-designed labels to make them seem environmentally friendly, but in fact many of these symbols mean nothing." said report researcher Philip Page.

"Laundry detergents made the most number of claims with 158. Household cleaners were second with 145 separate claims, while paints were third on our list with 73. The high numbers show how very confusing it must be for consumers to sort the true from the misleading." he said.

The ISO labeling standards ban vague or misleading claims on product packaging, because terms such as "environmentally friendly" and "non-polluting" can not be verified. "What we are now pushing for is to have multinational corporations meet the standards set by the ISO." said Page.

As indicated in this passage, with so many good claims, the consumers_________.


Consumers are being confused and misled by the hodge-podge of environmental claims made by household products, according to a "green labeling" study published by Consumers International Friday.

Among the report's more outrageous findings--a German fertilizer described itself as "earthworm friendly" a brand of flour said it was "non-polluting" and a British toilet paper claimed to be "environmentally friendlier".

The study was written and researched by Britain's National Consumer Council (NCC) for lobby group Consumer International. It was funded by the German and Dutch governments and the European Commission.

"While many good and useful claims are being made, it is clear there is a long way to go in ensuring shoppers are adequately informed about the environmental impact of products they buy." said Consumers International director Anna Fielder.

The lO-country study surveyed product packaging in Britain, Western Europe, Scandinavia and the United States. It found that products sold in Germany and the United Kingdom made the most environmental claims on average.

The report focused on claims made by specific products, such as detergent insect sprays and by some garden products. It did not test the claims, but compared them to labeling guidelines set by the International Standards Organization (ISO) in September,1999.

Researchers documented claims of environmental friendliness made by about 2,000 products and found many too vague or too misleading to meet ISO standards.

"Many products had specially-designed labels to make them seem environmentally friendly, but in fact many of these symbols mean nothing." said report researcher Philip Page.

"Laundry detergents made the most number of claims with 158. Household cleaners were second with 145 separate claims, while paints were third on our list with 73. The high numbers show how very confusing it must be for consumers to sort the true from the misleading." he said.

The ISO labeling standards ban vague or misleading claims on product packaging, because terms such as "environmentally friendly" and "non-polluting" can not be verified. "What we are now pushing for is to have multinational corporations meet the standards set by the ISO." said Page.

A study was carried out by Britain's NCC to_________.


Consumers are being confused and misled by the hodge-podge of environmental claims made by household products, according to a "green labeling" study published by Consumers International Friday.

Among the report's more outrageous findings--a German fertilizer described itself as "earthworm friendly" a brand of flour said it was "non-polluting" and a British toilet paper claimed to be "environmentally friendlier".

The study was written and researched by Britain's National Consumer Council (NCC) for lobby group Consumer International. It was funded by the German and Dutch governments and the European Commission.

"While many good and useful claims are being made, it is clear there is a long way to go in ensuring shoppers are adequately informed about the environmental impact of products they buy." said Consumers International director Anna Fielder.

The lO-country study surveyed product packaging in Britain, Western Europe, Scandinavia and the United States. It found that products sold in Germany and the United Kingdom made the most environmental claims on average.

The report focused on claims made by specific products, such as detergent insect sprays and by some garden products. It did not test the claims, but compared them to labeling guidelines set by the International Standards Organization (ISO) in September,1999.

Researchers documented claims of environmental friendliness made by about 2,000 products and found many too vague or too misleading to meet ISO standards.

"Many products had specially-designed labels to make them seem environmentally friendly, but in fact many of these symbols mean nothing." said report researcher Philip Page.

"Laundry detergents made the most number of claims with 158. Household cleaners were second with 145 separate claims, while paints were third on our list with 73. The high numbers show how very confusing it must be for consumers to sort the true from the misleading." he said.

The ISO labeling standards ban vague or misleading claims on product packaging, because terms such as "environmentally friendly" and "non-polluting" can not be verified. "What we are now pushing for is to have multinational corporations meet the standards set by the ISO." said Page.

What is one of the consequences caused by the many claims of household products?


Consumers are being confused and misled by the hodge-podge of environmental claims made by household products, according to a "green labeling" study published by Consumers International Friday.

Among the report's more outrageous findings--a German fertilizer described itself as "earthworm friendly" a brand of flour said it was "non-polluting" and a British toilet paper claimed to be "environmentally friendlier".

The study was written and researched by Britain's National Consumer Council (NCC) for lobby group Consumer International. It was funded by the German and Dutch governments and the European Commission.

"While many good and useful claims are being made, it is clear there is a long way to go in ensuring shoppers are adequately informed about the environmental impact of products they buy." said Consumers International director Anna Fielder.

The lO-country study surveyed product packaging in Britain, Western Europe, Scandinavia and the United States. It found that products sold in Germany and the United Kingdom made the most environmental claims on average.

The report focused on claims made by specific products, such as detergent insect sprays and by some garden products. It did not test the claims, but compared them to labeling guidelines set by the International Standards Organization (ISO) in September,1999.

Researchers documented claims of environmental friendliness made by about 2,000 products and found many too vague or too misleading to meet ISO standards.

"Many products had specially-designed labels to make them seem environmentally friendly, but in fact many of these symbols mean nothing." said report researcher Philip Page.

"Laundry detergents made the most number of claims with 158. Household cleaners were second with 145 separate claims, while paints were third on our list with 73. The high numbers show how very confusing it must be for consumers to sort the true from the misleading." he said.

The ISO labeling standards ban vague or misleading claims on product packaging, because terms such as "environmentally friendly" and "non-polluting" can not be verified. "What we are now pushing for is to have multinational corporations meet the standards set by the ISO." said Page.

It can be inferred from the passage that the lobby group Consumer International wants to__________.


In spite of all stories of prosperity in the Unites States, not only does poverty exist there, but crimes of various types have been increasing at an alarming rate. Most acts of violence were committed by young people.57% of the criminals arrested in 1979 were youths below 25 of age.

Everyone agrees that crime is partly a result of bad material conditions: poverty, lack of education, living within a settled home, being parent less, sufferings from other kinds of misfortune, etc.

There are also other factors than material conditions which are responsible for the sharp increase of crime rate. In the first place, some state laws provide a death penalty but some not. Secondly, the Constitution allows every citizen to carry weapons for his own protection. It is therefore possible and easy for anyone in the country to get a gun. Finally, there has been too much shown on TV and too much reported in newspaper of all kinds of crime, the details of which are so accurately described that even children know how to duplicate what they have seen or read. All these have resulted in a high frequency of crimes committed both by professional criminals and

by nonprofessional ones in murder, drug smuggling, robbery, etc.

The author intends to tell the readers that_________.


In spite of all stories of prosperity in the Unites States, not only does poverty exist there, but crimes of various types have been increasing at an alarming rate. Most acts of violence were committed by young people.57% of the criminals arrested in 1979 were youths below 25 of age.

Everyone agrees that crime is partly a result of bad material conditions: poverty, lack of education, living within a settled home, being parent less, sufferings from other kinds of misfortune, etc.

There are also other factors than material conditions which are responsible for the sharp increase of crime rate. In the first place, some state laws provide a death penalty but some not. Secondly, the Constitution allows every citizen to carry weapons for his own protection. It is therefore possible and easy for anyone in the country to get a gun. Finally, there has been too much shown on TV and too much reported in newspaper of all kinds of crime, the details of which are so accurately described that even children know how to duplicate what they have seen or read. All these have resulted in a high frequency of crimes committed both by professional criminals and

by nonprofessional ones in murder, drug smuggling, robbery, etc.

Besides bad material conditions,__________ also leads to the sharp increase of crime rate.


In spite of all stories of prosperity in the Unites States, not only does poverty exist there, but crimes of various types have been increasing at an alarming rate. Most acts of violence were committed by young people.57% of the criminals arrested in 1979 were youths below 25 of age.

Everyone agrees that crime is partly a result of bad material conditions: poverty, lack of education, living within a settled home, being parent less, sufferings from other kinds of misfortune, etc.

There are also other factors than material conditions which are responsible for the sharp increase of crime rate. In the first place, some state laws provide a death penalty but some not. Secondly, the Constitution allows every citizen to carry weapons for his own protection. It is therefore possible and easy for anyone in the country to get a gun. Finally, there has been too much shown on TV and too much reported in newspaper of all kinds of crime, the details of which are so accurately described that even children know how to duplicate what they have seen or read. All these have resulted in a high frequency of crimes committed both by professional criminals and

by nonprofessional ones in murder, drug smuggling, robbery, etc.

Which of the following is correct according to the text?


In spite of all stories of prosperity in the Unites States, not only does poverty exist there, but crimes of various types have been increasing at an alarming rate. Most acts of violence were committed by young people.57% of the criminals arrested in 1979 were youths below 25 of age.

Everyone agrees that crime is partly a result of bad material conditions: poverty, lack of education, living within a settled home, being parent less, sufferings from other kinds of misfortune, etc.

There are also other factors than material conditions which are responsible for the sharp increase of crime rate. In the first place, some state laws provide a death penalty but some not. Secondly, the Constitution allows every citizen to carry weapons for his own protection. It is therefore possible and easy for anyone in the country to get a gun. Finally, there has been too much shown on TV and too much reported in newspaper of all kinds of crime, the details of which are so accurately described that even children know how to duplicate what they have seen or read. All these have resulted in a high frequency of crimes committed both by professional criminals and

by nonprofessional ones in murder, drug smuggling, robbery, etc.

The author is worried about the fact that__________.


In spite of all stories of prosperity in the Unites States, not only does poverty exist there, but crimes of various types have been increasing at an alarming rate. Most acts of violence were committed by young people.57% of the criminals arrested in 1979 were youths below 25 of age.

Everyone agrees that crime is partly a result of bad material conditions: poverty, lack of education, living within a settled home, being parent less, sufferings from other kinds of misfortune, etc.

There are also other factors than material conditions which are responsible for the sharp increase of crime rate. In the first place, some state laws provide a death penalty but some not. Secondly, the Constitution allows every citizen to carry weapons for his own protection. It is therefore possible and easy for anyone in the country to get a gun. Finally, there has been too much shown on TV and too much reported in newspaper of all kinds of crime, the details of which are so accurately described that even children know how to duplicate what they have seen or read. All these have resulted in a high frequency of crimes committed both by professional criminals and

by nonprofessional ones in murder, drug smuggling, robbery, etc.

The underlined word "penalty" is closest in meaning to__________.


Many people believe the glare from snow causes snow-blindness. Yet, dark glasses or not, they find themselves suffering from headaches and watering eyes, and even snow-blindness, when exposed to several hours of "snow light".

The United States Army has now determined that glare from snow does not cause snow- blindness in troops in a snow-covered country. Rather, a man's eyes frequently find nothing to focus on in a broad expanse of barren snow-covered terrain. So his gaze continually shifts and jumps back and forth over the entire landscape in search of something to look at. Finding nothing, hour after hour, the eyes never stop searching and the eyeballs become sore and the eye muscles ache. Nature offsets this irritation by producing more and fluid which covers the eyeball. The fluid

covers the eyeball in increasing quantity until vision blurs,then is observed, and the result is total, even though temporary, snow-blindness.

Experiments led the Army to a simple method of overcoming this problem. Scouts ahead of a main body of troops are trained to shake snow from evergreen bushes, creating a dotted line as they cross completely snow-covered landscape. Even the scouts themselves throw lightweight, dark colored objects ahead on which they too can focus. The men following can then see something. Their gaze is arrested. Their eyes focus on a bush and having found something to see, stop scouring the snow-blanketed landscape. By focusing their attention on one object at a time, the men can cross the snow without becoming hopelessly snow-blind or lost. In this way the problem of crossing a solid white terrain is overcome.

To prevent headaches, watering eyes and blindness caused by the glare from snow, dark glasses are__________.


Many people believe the glare from snow causes snow-blindness. Yet, dark glasses or not, they find themselves suffering from headaches and watering eyes, and even snow-blindness, when exposed to several hours of "snow light".

The United States Army has now determined that glare from snow does not cause snow- blindness in troops in a snow-covered country. Rather, a man's eyes frequently find nothing to focus on in a broad expanse of barren snow-covered terrain. So his gaze continually shifts and jumps back and forth over the entire landscape in search of something to look at. Finding nothing, hour after hour, the eyes never stop searching and the eyeballs become sore and the eye muscles ache. Nature offsets this irritation by producing more and fluid which covers the eyeball. The fluid

covers the eyeball in increasing quantity until vision blurs,then is observed, and the result is total, even though temporary, snow-blindness.

Experiments led the Army to a simple method of overcoming this problem. Scouts ahead of a main body of troops are trained to shake snow from evergreen bushes, creating a dotted line as they cross completely snow-covered landscape. Even the scouts themselves throw lightweight, dark colored objects ahead on which they too can focus. The men following can then see something. Their gaze is arrested. Their eyes focus on a bush and having found something to see, stop scouring the snow-blanketed landscape. By focusing their attention on one object at a time, the men can cross the snow without becoming hopelessly snow-blind or lost. In this way the problem of crossing a solid white terrain is overcome.

When the eyes are sore, tears are produced to_________.


Many people believe the glare from snow causes snow-blindness. Yet, dark glasses or not, they find themselves suffering from headaches and watering eyes, and even snow-blindness, when exposed to several hours of "snow light".

The United States Army has now determined that glare from snow does not cause snow- blindness in troops in a snow-covered country. Rather, a man's eyes frequently find nothing to focus on in a broad expanse of barren snow-covered terrain. So his gaze continually shifts and jumps back and forth over the entire landscape in search of something to look at. Finding nothing, hour after hour, the eyes never stop searching and the eyeballs become sore and the eye muscles ache. Nature offsets this irritation by producing more and fluid which covers the eyeball. The fluid

covers the eyeball in increasing quantity until vision blurs,then is observed, and the result is total, even though temporary, snow-blindness.

Experiments led the Army to a simple method of overcoming this problem. Scouts ahead of a main body of troops are trained to shake snow from evergreen bushes, creating a dotted line as they cross completely snow-covered landscape. Even the scouts themselves throw lightweight, dark colored objects ahead on which they too can focus. The men following can then see something. Their gaze is arrested. Their eyes focus on a bush and having found something to see, stop scouring the snow-blanketed landscape. By focusing their attention on one object at a time, the men can cross the snow without becoming hopelessly snow-blind or lost. In this way the problem of crossing a solid white terrain is overcome.

Snow-blindness may be avoided by_________.


Many people believe the glare from snow causes snow-blindness. Yet, dark glasses or not, they find themselves suffering from headaches and watering eyes, and even snow-blindness, when exposed to several hours of "snow light".

The United States Army has now determined that glare from snow does not cause snow- blindness in troops in a snow-covered country. Rather, a man's eyes frequently find nothing to focus on in a broad expanse of barren snow-covered terrain. So his gaze continually shifts and jumps back and forth over the entire landscape in search of something to look at. Finding nothing, hour after hour, the eyes never stop searching and the eyeballs become sore and the eye muscles ache. Nature offsets this irritation by producing more and fluid which covers the eyeball. The fluid

covers the eyeball in increasing quantity until vision blurs,then is observed, and the result is total, even though temporary, snow-blindness.

Experiments led the Army to a simple method of overcoming this problem. Scouts ahead of a main body of troops are trained to shake snow from evergreen bushes, creating a dotted line as they cross completely snow-covered landscape. Even the scouts themselves throw lightweight, dark colored objects ahead on which they too can focus. The men following can then see something. Their gaze is arrested. Their eyes focus on a bush and having found something to see, stop scouring the snow-blanketed landscape. By focusing their attention on one object at a time, the men can cross the snow without becoming hopelessly snow-blind or lost. In this way the problem of crossing a solid white terrain is overcome.

The scouts shake snow from evergreen bushes in order to_________.


Many people believe the glare from snow causes snow-blindness. Yet, dark glasses or not, they find themselves suffering from headaches and watering eyes, and even snow-blindness, when exposed to several hours of "snow light".

The United States Army has now determined that glare from snow does not cause snow- blindness in troops in a snow-covered country. Rather, a man's eyes frequently find nothing to focus on in a broad expanse of barren snow-covered terrain. So his gaze continually shifts and jumps back and forth over the entire landscape in search of something to look at. Finding nothing, hour after hour, the eyes never stop searching and the eyeballs become sore and the eye muscles ache. Nature offsets this irritation by producing more and fluid which covers the eyeball. The fluid

covers the eyeball in increasing quantity until vision blurs,then is observed, and the result is total, even though temporary, snow-blindness.

Experiments led the Army to a simple method of overcoming this problem. Scouts ahead of a main body of troops are trained to shake snow from evergreen bushes, creating a dotted line as they cross completely snow-covered landscape. Even the scouts themselves throw lightweight, dark colored objects ahead on which they too can focus. The men following can then see something. Their gaze is arrested. Their eyes focus on a bush and having found something to see, stop scouring the snow-blanketed landscape. By focusing their attention on one object at a time, the men can cross the snow without becoming hopelessly snow-blind or lost. In this way the problem of crossing a solid white terrain is overcome.

A suitable title for this passage would be_________.





2011年,全国质量技术监督系统经费收入同比增长( )。





全国质量技术监督系统经费收入同比增长量最大的年份是( )。





2011年,全国质量技术监督系统财政收入是事业收入的( )。





2011年,全国质量技术监督系统财政收入是事业收入的( )。





2011年,全国质量技术监督系统商业和服务支出占经费总支出的比重比经营支出高( )。





2011年上半年,网上银行市场交易额为( )。





2011年。网上银行市场交易额比2010年多( )。





2011年。30岁以上的个人网上银行用户数比30岁(含)以下的多( )。





2011年.个人网上银行本科及以上学历的用户人数为( )。





根据给定资料,以下说法中正确的是( )。




2006年,该省进出口总额为( )亿美元。




2012年,该省加工贸易进出口总额比一般贸易多( )。




2011年,该省机电产品贸易顺差为( )亿美元。




2011年,该省国有企业出口额占出口总额的比重为( )。




下列表述中,正确的是( )。