单选题 (一共95题,共95分)


衡量通货膨胀水平的指标不包括(  )。


经济学中“一方是无限的需要一方是有限的商品”这句话的含义是(  )。


垄断竞争的市场结构主要特征是(  )。


中央银行提供的基础货币是通过其资产业务流通出去的,下列不属于中央银行提供基础货币途径的是(  )。


我国现阶段的货币政策采用(  )公式来考量M2增速是否适宜。


不属于货币市场工具特点的是(  )。


物价上涨率和失业率是成(  )。


以下表述不正确的是(  )。


导致需求曲线发生位移的原因是(  )。


在短期内,垄断厂商无法改变固定要素投入量,而是通过在既定的生产规模下通过对产量和价格的调整,来实现(  )的利润最大化。


紧缩性货币政策的运用会导致(  )。


生产者的短期成本一定(  )长期成本。


下列表述正确的是(  )。


一国的国内生产总值大于国民生产总值,则该国公民从国外取得的收入(  )外国公民从该国取得的收入。


序数效用论关于消费者偏好的基本假定不包括(  )。


下列关于自然失业率的说法中,错误的是(  )。


对于吉芬物品,其替代效应和收入效应,分别与价格成(  )变动。


消费者的最优消费组合选择必须满足(  )。


“只有错买的,没有错卖的”指普遍存在于经济生活中的(  )。


(  )的基本内容是:只要财产权是明确的,并且交易成本为零或很小,则无论在开始时将财产权赋予谁,市场均衡的最终结果都是有效率的。


与贷款五级分类相对应的贷款损失准备金制度应是(  )。


债券与股票的共同点是(  )。






金融市场最主要的基本功能是(  )。


一般而言,银行最主要的资产业务是(  )。


人民银行规定的贷记卡透支年利率是(  )。


按贷款风险分类法,借款人无需足额偿还贷款本息,即使执行担保,也肯定要造成较大损失的贷款应归为(  )。


假定当前汇率1美元兑换人民币6元,1欧元兑换人民币8元,那么1欧元兑换美元的汇率是(  )。


金融市场客体不包括(  )。


如果中央银行在公开市场上大量购买政府债券,下面哪一种情况不可能发生?(  )


中央银行在公开市场卖出政府债券的主要目的是为了(  )。


银行内部管理人员根据银行所承担的风险计算的,银行需要保有的最低资本量称为(  )。


在双本位制的货币体系下,(  )两种货币按法定比价流通,在一定程度上克服了平行本位制下混乱局面。


M2又称为广义货币供给量,是判断宏观信用松紧环境的常用指标,在各国有不同的统计口径。根据中国人民银行的规定,以下不属于M2的是(  )。


央行中期借贷便利(MLF)和央行逆回购性质上属于(  )。


为贯彻落实房住不炒的政策,各地政府纷纷出台措施,对首套房和套房的信贷政策进行差异化处理,如提高二套房的首付比例。这样的举措属于(  )。


在银行表外业务中,下列属于金融衍生交易类业务的是(  )。


基准利率作为其他利率水平或金融资产价格确定的基础,在我国,基准利率是(  )。


(  )是不可以用于异地结算的结算工具。


(  )基金,股份相对固定,一般不向投资者增发新股或赎回旧股。


当利率下降,对消费者的影响是(  )。


当本币升值,(  )。


下列关于期权的说法中,(  )是不正确的。


下列关于公司债券的说法中,错误的项是(  )。


如果本国货币升值,则(  )。


假设某公司的权益乘数为2.02,其总资产报酬率为7.39%,销售净利率为4.53%,则其所有者权益报酬率应为(  )。


下列不属于营业收入的可靠性分析的是(  )。


下列关于负债的说法,错误的是(  )。


下列各项中,哪一项是最能衡量股东利润最大化的指标?(  )


下列各项中,不应确认为应付职工薪酬科目来核算的有(  )。


某企业库存现金5万元,银行存款75万元,应收账款40万元,存货80万元,流动负债200万元。该企业的速动比率是(  )。


关于商业汇票贴现核算的下列表述中,不正确的是(  )。


企业溢价发行股票时,超过股票面值的部分计入(  )。


银行承兑汇票期限自出票之日起最长不超过(  )。


下列原始凭证中属于外来原始凭证的是(  )。


根据企业会计准则,短期投资一般使用(  )进行核算。


某企业外购A、B两种材料,A材料买价20万元,B材料30万元,两种材料共发生运杂费5000元。则B材料取材成本为(  )。


3月份,企业销售商品5万元,5月份收到款项。企业应该在何时确认收入?(  )


反映商业银行一定时期内经营和投资等活动现金变化的报表是(  )。


关于本票的说法,正确的是(  )。


经过对账,如果开户单位账面余额与银行分户账余额不符,可通过(  )核对出差额,进行查对。


由两个以上的个人共同出资,通过签订协议而联合经营的企业属于(  )。


自然人甲、乙、丙共同出资设立了A公司。根据《公司法》,下列组织机构中必须设立的是(  )。


下列哪一职位,不属于国务院的组成人员?(  )


下列哪一个选项不属于我国宪法规定的公民政治自由?(  )


下列哪项不属于商业银行依法可以开展的业务?(  )


某融资公司以经营不善为由拖欠张某的工资长达半年,根据《商业银行法》规定,若张某要求该公司的开户银行对该公司的存款进行(  )的操作时,开户银行有权拒绝张某。


某有限责任公司被吊销营业执照,以下为法律顾问提供的法律意见,不正确的是(  )。


根据我国《公司法》的规定,有限责任公司成立的日期为(  )。


根据《民法典》规定,甲与乙对丙企业的债务同时提供保证担保,没有约定担保方式和担保份额的,丙的债权人丁可以要求甲、乙以怎样的方式承担担保责任?(  )


对擅自使用与知名商品相近似的名称、包装、装潢,造成和他人的知名商品相似使购买者误认为是该知名商品的行为判断,所依据的是(  )。


我国现行劳动争议处理制度为(  )。


在下列哪些情况下,企业可以不受限制的延长工作时间?(  )


根据《公司法》的规定,有限责任公司首次股东大会会议由(  )召集和主持。


按照《劳动合同法》的有关规定,企业进行经济性裁员时,应当优先留用的劳动者中不包括(  )。


根据劳动合同法的规定,下列表述正确的是(  )。


小王是一名应届毕业生,成功入职A公司与A公司签订劳动合同,约定适用期为1个月且约定月工资为6000元。若A公司所在地的最低月工资标准为3000元,则按照《劳动法》的规定,小王在试用期的月工资应不低于(  )。


劳动者在下列哪种情形中,用人单位可以解除劳动合同?(  )


根据我国劳动合同法的规定,下列各项中不属于劳动合同必备条款的是(  )。


范某以10万元从某商店购入标注为缅甸翡翠手镯一个,好友李某见后拿来欣赏,不慎将手镯打碎。经鉴定,手镯为赝品,市场价值为10元,该商店系知假卖假。下列范某请求中合法的是(  )。


根据《民法典》的规定,以下属于非营利法人的是(  )。




The table before which we sit may be,as the scientist maintains,composed of dancing atoms,but it does not reveal itself to us as anything of the kind,and it is not with dancing atoms but a solid and motionless object that we live.So remote is this“real”table——and most of the other“realities”with which science deals——that it cannot be discussed in terms which have any human value,and though it may receive our purely intellectual credence it cannot be woven into the pattern of life as it is led,in contradistinction to life as we attempt it.Vibrations in the ether(以太)are so totally unlike the color,purple that the gulf between them cannot be bridged,and they are,to all intents and purposes,not one but two separate things of which the second and less“real”must be the most significant for us.And just as the sensation which has led us to attribute all objective reality to a non-existent thing which we called“purple”is more important for human life than the conception of vibrations of a certain frequency;so too the belief in God;however ill founded,has been more important in the life of man than the germ theory of true the latter may be.

We may,if we like,speak of consequence,as certain mystics love to do,of the different levels or orders of truth.We may adopt what is essentially a Platonistic(布拉图式的)trick of thought and insist upon postulating the existence of external realities which correspond to the needs and modes of human feeling and which,so we may insist,have their being in some part of the universe unreachable by science.But to do so is to make an unwarrantable assumption and to be guilty of the metaphysical fallacy of failing to distinguish between a truth of feeling and that other sort of truth which is described as“truth of correspondence”and it is better perhaps,at least for those of us who have grown up in thought,to steer clear of such confusions and to rest content with the admission that,though the universe with which science deals is the real universe,yet we do not and cannot have any but fleeting and imperfect contacts with it;that the most important part of our lives-our sensations,emotions,desires and aspirations-take place in a universe of illusions which science can attenuate or destroy,but which it is powerless to enrich.

The author suggests that in order to bridge the puzzling difference between scientific truth and the world of illusion,the reader should(  ).




The table before which we sit may be,as the scientist maintains,composed of dancing atoms,but it does not reveal itself to us as anything of the kind,and it is not with dancing atoms but a solid and motionless object that we live.So remote is this“real”table——and most of the other“realities”with which science deals——that it cannot be discussed in terms which have any human value,and though it may receive our purely intellectual credence it cannot be woven into the pattern of life as it is led,in contradistinction to life as we attempt it.Vibrations in the ether(以太)are so totally unlike the color,purple that the gulf between them cannot be bridged,and they are,to all intents and purposes,not one but two separate things of which the second and less“real”must be the most significant for us.And just as the sensation which has led us to attribute all objective reality to a non-existent thing which we called“purple”is more important for human life than the conception of vibrations of a certain frequency;so too the belief in God;however ill founded,has been more important in the life of man than the germ theory of true the latter may be.

We may,if we like,speak of consequence,as certain mystics love to do,of the different levels or orders of truth.We may adopt what is essentially a Platonistic(布拉图式的)trick of thought and insist upon postulating the existence of external realities which correspond to the needs and modes of human feeling and which,so we may insist,have their being in some part of the universe unreachable by science.But to do so is to make an unwarrantable assumption and to be guilty of the metaphysical fallacy of failing to distinguish between a truth of feeling and that other sort of truth which is described as“truth of correspondence”and it is better perhaps,at least for those of us who have grown up in thought,to steer clear of such confusions and to rest content with the admission that,though the universe with which science deals is the real universe,yet we do not and cannot have any but fleeting and imperfect contacts with it;that the most important part of our lives-our sensations,emotions,desires and aspirations-take place in a universe of illusions which science can attenuate or destroy,but which it is powerless to enrich.

Judging from the ideas and tone of the selection,one may reasonably guess that the author is(  ).




The table before which we sit may be,as the scientist maintains,composed of dancing atoms,but it does not reveal itself to us as anything of the kind,and it is not with dancing atoms but a solid and motionless object that we live.So remote is this“real”table——and most of the other“realities”with which science deals——that it cannot be discussed in terms which have any human value,and though it may receive our purely intellectual credence it cannot be woven into the pattern of life as it is led,in contradistinction to life as we attempt it.Vibrations in the ether(以太)are so totally unlike the color,purple that the gulf between them cannot be bridged,and they are,to all intents and purposes,not one but two separate things of which the second and less“real”must be the most significant for us.And just as the sensation which has led us to attribute all objective reality to a non-existent thing which we called“purple”is more important for human life than the conception of vibrations of a certain frequency;so too the belief in God;however ill founded,has been more important in the life of man than the germ theory of true the latter may be.

We may,if we like,speak of consequence,as certain mystics love to do,of the different levels or orders of truth.We may adopt what is essentially a Platonistic(布拉图式的)trick of thought and insist upon postulating the existence of external realities which correspond to the needs and modes of human feeling and which,so we may insist,have their being in some part of the universe unreachable by science.But to do so is to make an unwarrantable assumption and to be guilty of the metaphysical fallacy of failing to distinguish between a truth of feeling and that other sort of truth which is described as“truth of correspondence”and it is better perhaps,at least for those of us who have grown up in thought,to steer clear of such confusions and to rest content with the admission that,though the universe with which science deals is the real universe,yet we do not and cannot have any but fleeting and imperfect contacts with it;that the most important part of our lives-our sensations,emotions,desires and aspirations-take place in a universe of illusions which science can attenuate or destroy,but which it is powerless to enrich.

According to this passage,a scientist would conceive of a“table”as being(  ).




The table before which we sit may be,as the scientist maintains,composed of dancing atoms,but it does not reveal itself to us as anything of the kind,and it is not with dancing atoms but a solid and motionless object that we live.So remote is this“real”table——and most of the other“realities”with which science deals——that it cannot be discussed in terms which have any human value,and though it may receive our purely intellectual credence it cannot be woven into the pattern of life as it is led,in contradistinction to life as we attempt it.Vibrations in the ether(以太)are so totally unlike the color,purple that the gulf between them cannot be bridged,and they are,to all intents and purposes,not one but two separate things of which the second and less“real”must be the most significant for us.And just as the sensation which has led us to attribute all objective reality to a non-existent thing which we called“purple”is more important for human life than the conception of vibrations of a certain frequency;so too the belief in God;however ill founded,has been more important in the life of man than the germ theory of true the latter may be.

We may,if we like,speak of consequence,as certain mystics love to do,of the different levels or orders of truth.We may adopt what is essentially a Platonistic(布拉图式的)trick of thought and insist upon postulating the existence of external realities which correspond to the needs and modes of human feeling and which,so we may insist,have their being in some part of the universe unreachable by science.But to do so is to make an unwarrantable assumption and to be guilty of the metaphysical fallacy of failing to distinguish between a truth of feeling and that other sort of truth which is described as“truth of correspondence”and it is better perhaps,at least for those of us who have grown up in thought,to steer clear of such confusions and to rest content with the admission that,though the universe with which science deals is the real universe,yet we do not and cannot have any but fleeting and imperfect contacts with it;that the most important part of our lives-our sensations,emotions,desires and aspirations-take place in a universe of illusions which science can attenuate or destroy,but which it is powerless to enrich.

The topic of this selection is(  ).




The table before which we sit may be,as the scientist maintains,composed of dancing atoms,but it does not reveal itself to us as anything of the kind,and it is not with dancing atoms but a solid and motionless object that we live.So remote is this“real”table——and most of the other“realities”with which science deals——that it cannot be discussed in terms which have any human value,and though it may receive our purely intellectual credence it cannot be woven into the pattern of life as it is led,in contradistinction to life as we attempt it.Vibrations in the ether(以太)are so totally unlike the color,purple that the gulf between them cannot be bridged,and they are,to all intents and purposes,not one but two separate things of which the second and less“real”must be the most significant for us.And just as the sensation which has led us to attribute all objective reality to a non-existent thing which we called“purple”is more important for human life than the conception of vibrations of a certain frequency;so too the belief in God;however ill founded,has been more important in the life of man than the germ theory of true the latter may be.

We may,if we like,speak of consequence,as certain mystics love to do,of the different levels or orders of truth.We may adopt what is essentially a Platonistic(布拉图式的)trick of thought and insist upon postulating the existence of external realities which correspond to the needs and modes of human feeling and which,so we may insist,have their being in some part of the universe unreachable by science.But to do so is to make an unwarrantable assumption and to be guilty of the metaphysical fallacy of failing to distinguish between a truth of feeling and that other sort of truth which is described as“truth of correspondence”and it is better perhaps,at least for those of us who have grown up in thought,to steer clear of such confusions and to rest content with the admission that,though the universe with which science deals is the real universe,yet we do not and cannot have any but fleeting and imperfect contacts with it;that the most important part of our lives-our sensations,emotions,desires and aspirations-take place in a universe of illusions which science can attenuate or destroy,but which it is powerless to enrich.

By“objective reality”(Last line,Para.1)the author means(  ).



Merchant and passenger ships are generally required to have a life preserver for every person aboard and in many cases,a certain percentage of smaller sizes for children.According to United States requirements,life preservers must design,reversible capable of being quickly adjusted to fit the uninitiated individual,and must be so designed as to support the wearer in the water in an upright or slightly backward position.

Sufficient buoyancy(浮力)to support the wearer should be retained by the life preserver after 48 hours in the water,and it should be reliable even after long period of storage.Thus it should be made of materials resistant to sunlight,gasoline,and oils,and it should be not easily set on fire.The position in which the life preserver will support a person who jumps or falls into the water is most important,as is its tendency to turn the wearer in the water from a face-down position to an upright or slightly backward position,with his face clear of the water,even when the wearer is exhausted or unconscious.

The method of adjustment to the body should be simple,and self-evident to uninitiated persons even in the dark under the confused conditions,which follow a disaster.Thus,the life be reversible that it is nearly impossible to get it on wrong.Catches,straps,and ties should be kept to a minimum.In addition,the life preserver must be adjustable to the wide variety of shapes and sizes of wearers,since this greatly affects the position of floating and the self-righting qualities.A suitable life also be comfortable to wear at all times,in and out of the water,not so heavy as to encourage to take it off on shipboard while the ship is in danger,nor so burdensome that it hinders a person in the water while trying to swim.

The passage is mainly about(  ).



Merchant and passenger ships are generally required to have a life preserver for every person aboard and in many cases,a certain percentage of smaller sizes for children.According to United States requirements,life preservers must design,reversible capable of being quickly adjusted to fit the uninitiated individual,and must be so designed as to support the wearer in the water in an upright or slightly backward position.

Sufficient buoyancy(浮力)to support the wearer should be retained by the life preserver after 48 hours in the water,and it should be reliable even after long period of storage.Thus it should be made of materials resistant to sunlight,gasoline,and oils,and it should be not easily set on fire.The position in which the life preserver will support a person who jumps or falls into the water is most important,as is its tendency to turn the wearer in the water from a face-down position to an upright or slightly backward position,with his face clear of the water,even when the wearer is exhausted or unconscious.

The method of adjustment to the body should be simple,and self-evident to uninitiated persons even in the dark under the confused conditions,which follow a disaster.Thus,the life be reversible that it is nearly impossible to get it on wrong.Catches,straps,and ties should be kept to a minimum.In addition,the life preserver must be adjustable to the wide variety of shapes and sizes of wearers,since this greatly affects the position of floating and the self-righting qualities.A suitable life also be comfortable to wear at all times,in and out of the water,not so heavy as to encourage to take it off on shipboard while the ship is in danger,nor so burdensome that it hinders a person in the water while trying to swim.

According?to?the?passage,a?life?be?first?of?all(  ).



Merchant and passenger ships are generally required to have a life preserver for every person aboard and in many cases,a certain percentage of smaller sizes for children.According to United States requirements,life preservers must design,reversible capable of being quickly adjusted to fit the uninitiated individual,and must be so designed as to support the wearer in the water in an upright or slightly backward position.

Sufficient buoyancy(浮力)to support the wearer should be retained by the life preserver after 48 hours in the water,and it should be reliable even after long period of storage.Thus it should be made of materials resistant to sunlight,gasoline,and oils,and it should be not easily set on fire.The position in which the life preserver will support a person who jumps or falls into the water is most important,as is its tendency to turn the wearer in the water from a face-down position to an upright or slightly backward position,with his face clear of the water,even when the wearer is exhausted or unconscious.

The method of adjustment to the body should be simple,and self-evident to uninitiated persons even in the dark under the confused conditions,which follow a disaster.Thus,the life be reversible that it is nearly impossible to get it on wrong.Catches,straps,and ties should be kept to a minimum.In addition,the life preserver must be adjustable to the wide variety of shapes and sizes of wearers,since this greatly affects the position of floating and the self-righting qualities.A suitable life also be comfortable to wear at all times,in and out of the water,not so heavy as to encourage to take it off on shipboard while the ship is in danger,nor so burdensome that it hinders a person in the water while trying to swim.

United States Coast Guard does NOT require the life preserver to be made(  ).



Merchant and passenger ships are generally required to have a life preserver for every person aboard and in many cases,a certain percentage of smaller sizes for children.According to United States requirements,life preservers must design,reversible capable of being quickly adjusted to fit the uninitiated individual,and must be so designed as to support the wearer in the water in an upright or slightly backward position.

Sufficient buoyancy(浮力)to support the wearer should be retained by the life preserver after 48 hours in the water,and it should be reliable even after long period of storage.Thus it should be made of materials resistant to sunlight,gasoline,and oils,and it should be not easily set on fire.The position in which the life preserver will support a person who jumps or falls into the water is most important,as is its tendency to turn the wearer in the water from a face-down position to an upright or slightly backward position,with his face clear of the water,even when the wearer is exhausted or unconscious.

The method of adjustment to the body should be simple,and self-evident to uninitiated persons even in the dark under the confused conditions,which follow a disaster.Thus,the life be reversible that it is nearly impossible to get it on wrong.Catches,straps,and ties should be kept to a minimum.In addition,the life preserver must be adjustable to the wide variety of shapes and sizes of wearers,since this greatly affects the position of floating and the self-righting qualities.A suitable life also be comfortable to wear at all times,in and out of the water,not so heavy as to encourage to take it off on shipboard while the ship is in danger,nor so burdensome that it hinders a person in the water while trying to swim.

By“the uninitiated individual”(Para.1,Line.4)the author refers to the person(  ).



Merchant and passenger ships are generally required to have a life preserver for every person aboard and in many cases,a certain percentage of smaller sizes for children.According to United States requirements,life preservers must design,reversible capable of being quickly adjusted to fit the uninitiated individual,and must be so designed as to support the wearer in the water in an upright or slightly backward position.

Sufficient buoyancy(浮力)to support the wearer should be retained by the life preserver after 48 hours in the water,and it should be reliable even after long period of storage.Thus it should be made of materials resistant to sunlight,gasoline,and oils,and it should be not easily set on fire.The position in which the life preserver will support a person who jumps or falls into the water is most important,as is its tendency to turn the wearer in the water from a face-down position to an upright or slightly backward position,with his face clear of the water,even when the wearer is exhausted or unconscious.

The method of adjustment to the body should be simple,and self-evident to uninitiated persons even in the dark under the confused conditions,which follow a disaster.Thus,the life be reversible that it is nearly impossible to get it on wrong.Catches,straps,and ties should be kept to a minimum.In addition,the life preserver must be adjustable to the wide variety of shapes and sizes of wearers,since this greatly affects the position of floating and the self-righting qualities.A suitable life also be comfortable to wear at all times,in and out of the water,not so heavy as to encourage to take it off on shipboard while the ship is in danger,nor so burdensome that it hinders a person in the water while trying to swim.

What would happen if a person were supported by the life preserver in a wrong position (  )



Dinner customs are different around the world.If you are a dinner guest in Ghana,this information will help you a lot.

In Ghana dinner is usually from four in the afternoon to six in the evening.But there are no strict rules about time.Whenever a guest arrives,a family offers food.When you go to a home,the person who receives guests takes you to the living room first.At this time everyone welcomes you.Then you go to the dining room.There you wash your hands in a bowl of water.All the food is on the table.

In Ghana you usually eat with your fingers.You eat from the same dish as everyone else.But you eat from one side of the dish only.It is not polite to get food from the other side of the dish.After dinner,you wash your hands again in a bowl of water.

Most meals in Ghana have a dish called fufu.People in Ghana make fufu from the powder of some plants.Sometimes they cut the fufu with a saw because it is very hard.You must chew fufu well,or you may get sick.You eat fufu with the fingers of your right hand only.

From the passage we know that in Ghana(  ).



Dinner customs are different around the world.If you are a dinner guest in Ghana,this information will help you a lot.

In Ghana dinner is usually from four in the afternoon to six in the evening.But there are no strict rules about time.Whenever a guest arrives,a family offers food.When you go to a home,the person who receives guests takes you to the living room first.At this time everyone welcomes you.Then you go to the dining room.There you wash your hands in a bowl of water.All the food is on the table.

In Ghana you usually eat with your fingers.You eat from the same dish as everyone else.But you eat from one side of the dish only.It is not polite to get food from the other side of the dish.After dinner,you wash your hands again in a bowl of water.

Most meals in Ghana have a dish called fufu.People in Ghana make fufu from the powder of some plants.Sometimes they cut the fufu with a saw because it is very hard.You must chew fufu well,or you may get sick.You eat fufu with the fingers of your right hand only.

If you are a dinger guest in Ghana,the host(主人)always takes you to(  ).



Dinner customs are different around the world.If you are a dinner guest in Ghana,this information will help you a lot.

In Ghana dinner is usually from four in the afternoon to six in the evening.But there are no strict rules about time.Whenever a guest arrives,a family offers food.When you go to a home,the person who receives guests takes you to the living room first.At this time everyone welcomes you.Then you go to the dining room.There you wash your hands in a bowl of water.All the food is on the table.

In Ghana you usually eat with your fingers.You eat from the same dish as everyone else.But you eat from one side of the dish only.It is not polite to get food from the other side of the dish.After dinner,you wash your hands again in a bowl of water.

Most meals in Ghana have a dish called fufu.People in Ghana make fufu from the powder of some plants.Sometimes they cut the fufu with a saw because it is very hard.You must chew fufu well,or you may get sick.You eat fufu with the fingers of your right hand only.

People in Ghana usually eat(  ).



Dinner customs are different around the world.If you are a dinner guest in Ghana,this information will help you a lot.

In Ghana dinner is usually from four in the afternoon to six in the evening.But there are no strict rules about time.Whenever a guest arrives,a family offers food.When you go to a home,the person who receives guests takes you to the living room first.At this time everyone welcomes you.Then you go to the dining room.There you wash your hands in a bowl of water.All the food is on the table.

In Ghana you usually eat with your fingers.You eat from the same dish as everyone else.But you eat from one side of the dish only.It is not polite to get food from the other side of the dish.After dinner,you wash your hands again in a bowl of water.

Most meals in Ghana have a dish called fufu.People in Ghana make fufu from the powder of some plants.Sometimes they cut the fufu with a saw because it is very hard.You must chew fufu well,or you may get sick.You eat fufu with the fingers of your right hand only.

In fact,most dishes in Ghana(  ).



Dinner customs are different around the world.If you are a dinner guest in Ghana,this information will help you a lot.

In Ghana dinner is usually from four in the afternoon to six in the evening.But there are no strict rules about time.Whenever a guest arrives,a family offers food.When you go to a home,the person who receives guests takes you to the living room first.At this time everyone welcomes you.Then you go to the dining room.There you wash your hands in a bowl of water.All the food is on the table.

In Ghana you usually eat with your fingers.You eat from the same dish as everyone else.But you eat from one side of the dish only.It is not polite to get food from the other side of the dish.After dinner,you wash your hands again in a bowl of water.

Most meals in Ghana have a dish called fufu.People in Ghana make fufu from the powder of some plants.Sometimes they cut the fufu with a saw because it is very hard.You must chew fufu well,or you may get sick.You eat fufu with the fingers of your right hand only.

When you eat fufu,you’d better(  ).