单选题 (一共72题,共72分)


Teams are required for most engineering projects. Although some small hardware or software products can be developed by individuals, the scale and complexity of modern systems is such, and the demand for short schedules so great, that it is no longer ( )for one person to do most engineering jobs. Systems development is a team (请作答此空), and the effectiveness of the team largely determines the ( )of the engineering.Development teams often behave much like baseball or basketball teams. Even though they may have multiple specialties, all the members work toward ( ). However, on systems maintenance and enhancement teams, the engineers often work relatively independently, much like wrestling and track teams.A team is ( )just a group of people who happen to work together. Teamwork takes practice and it involves special skills. Teams require common processes; they need agreed-upon goals; and they need effective guidance and leadership. The methods for guiding and leading such teams are well known, but they are not obvious.


Teams are required for most engineering projects. Although some small hardware or software products can be developed by individuals, the scale and complexity of modern systems is such, and the demand for short schedules so great, that it is no longer ( )for one person to do most engineering jobs. Systems development is a team ( ), and the effectiveness of the team largely determines the ( )of the engineering.Development teams often behave much like baseball or basketball teams. Even though they may have multiple specialties, all the members work toward (请作答此空). However, on systems maintenance and enhancement teams, the engineers often work relatively independently, much like wrestling and track teams.A team is ( )just a group of people who happen to work together. Teamwork takes practice and it involves special skills. Teams require common processes; they need agreed-upon goals; and they need effective guidance and leadership. The methods for guiding and leading such teams are well known, but they are not obvious.


白盒测试也称结构测试或逻辑驱动测试,典型的白盒测试方法包括静态测试和动态测试。其中,静态测试除了静态结构分析法、静态质量度量法外,还有( )。


在开发一个字处理软件时,首先快速发布了一个提供基本文件管理、编辑和文档生成功能的版本,接着发布提供更完善的编辑和文档生成功能的版本,最后发布提供拼写和语法检查功能的版本,这里采用了( )过程模型。


程序质量评审通常是从开发者的角度进行评审,其内容不包括( )。


软件复杂性是指理解和处理软件的难易程度,其度量参数不包括( )。


一条Bug记录应包括( )。①编号②Bug描述③Bug级别④Bug所属模块⑤发现人


以下关于测试工作在软件开发各阶段作用的叙述中,不正确的是( )。


广义的软件测试由“确认”、“验证”、“测试”三个方面组成,其中“确认”是( )。


在面向对象分析和设计中,用类图给出系统的静态设计视图,其应用场合不包括(请作答此空)。下图是一个UML类图,其中类University和类School之间是( )关系,类Person和类PersonRecord之间是( )关系,表示Person与Person Record( )。



在结构化分析中,用数据流图描述( )。当采用数据流图对银行客户关系管理进行分析时,(请作答此空)是一个加工。


结构化分析(Structured Analysis,SA是面向数据流的需求分析方法,______不属于SA工具。


Teams are required for most engineering projects.Although some small hardware or software products can be developed by individuals,the scale and complexity of modern systems is such,and the demand for short schedules so great,that it is no longer( )for one person to do most engineering jobs.Systems development is a team( ),and the effectiveness of the team largely determines the( )of the engineering.Development teams often behave much like baseball or basketball teams.Even though they may have multiple specialties,all the members work toward( ).However,on systems maintenance and enhancement teams,the engineers often work relatively independently,much like wrestling and track teams.A team is(请作答此空)just a group of people who happen to work together.Teamwork takes practice and it involves special skills.Teams require common processes;they need agreed-upon goals;and they need effective guidance and leadership.The methods for guiding and leading such teams are well known,but they are not obvious.


软件文档按照其产生和使用的范围可分为开发文档、管理文档和用户文档。其中开发文档不包括( )。


以下关于白盒测试和黑盒测试的理解,正确是( )。






一个程序的控制流图中有6个节点,10条边,在测试用例数最少的情况下,确保程序中每个可执行语句至少执行一次所需要的测试用例数的上限是( )。


从大量的实验数据中挑选适量的,有代表性的点,合理地安排测试的一种科学实验设计方法是( )。


以下关于白盒测试的叙述中,正确的是( )。


以下几种白盒覆盖测试中,覆盖准则最弱的是( )。


在性能测试中,关于数据准备, ( ) 描述是正确的。①识别数据状态验证测试案例。②初始数据提供了基线用来评估测试执行的结果。③业务数据提供负载压力背景。④脚本中参数数据真实模拟负载。


以下关于Web测试的叙述中,不正确的是( )


以下不属于网络测试的测试指标的是( )。


为验证某呼叫中心是否能够承受大量呼叫信息同时呼入并得到正确处理,测试工程师一般采用( )测试工具。


以下关于文档测试的说法中,正确的是( )。


Web应用链接测试不包括( ) 。


负载压力性能测试需求分析时,应该选择 ( ) 类型的业务作为测试案例。①高吞吐量的业务 ②业务逻辑复杂的业务 ③高商业风险的业务 ④高服务器负载的业务 ⑤批处理的业务


为检验某Web系统稳定运行情况下能够支持的最大并发用户数,应进行( )。


已知模块A给模块B传递数据结构X。则这两个模块的耦合类型为( )耦合。


模块完成的动作之间没有任何关系,或者仅仅是一种非常松散的关系,则该模块的内聚类型为( )内聚。


某软件项目的活动图如下图所示,其中顶点表示项目里程碑,连接顶点的边表示包含的活动,边上的数字表示活动的持续时间(天),则完成该项目的最少时间为( )天。活动BC和BF分别最多可以晚开始(请作答此空)天而不会影响整个项目的进度。



模块内部的各个组成部分所包含的处理动作必须在同一时间间隔内执行,则该模块的内聚类型为( )内聚。


已知模块A可以通过非正常入口转入模块B内部。则这两个模块的耦合类型为( )耦合。


下图是一个软件项目的活动图,其中顶点表示项目里程碑,连接顶点的边表示包含的活动,则完成该项目的最少时间为(请作答此空)天。若活动0->2完成后, 停止()天开始活动2->6,则完成整个项目的最少时间不变。



以下各类敏捷开发方法的叙述中,描述的是scrum方法的是( )。


对软件需求缺乏准确认识的情况下,则最适宜采用( )过程模型。


以下关于瀑布模型的缺点的叙述中,不正确的是( )。




以下关于测试方法的叙述中,正确的是( )。


以下关于软件测试的概念,正确的是( )。


检验与证实软件是否满足软件需求说明书中规定的要求所进行测试的是( )。


以下测试内容中,属于系统测试的是( )。①验收测试②安装测试③安全测试④性能测试⑤兼容性测试⑥易用性测试


以下关于不同类型的软件测试的叙述,正确的是( )。


V模型描述了软件基本的开发过程和测试行为,描述了不同测试阶段与开发过程各阶段的对应关系。其中,单元测试对应的开发阶段是( )。


V模型描述了软件基本的开发过程和测试行为,描述了不同测试阶段与开发过程各阶段的对应关系。其中,系统测试对应的开发阶段是( )。




以下不属于软件测试工具的是( )。


以下关于软件测试分类定义的叙述,正确的是( )。


Creating a clear map of where the project is going is an important first step. It lets you identify risks, clarify objectives, and determine if the project even makes sense. The only thing more important than the release plan is not to take it too seriously.Release planning is creating a game plan for your Web project ( 请作答此空 ) what you think you want your Web site to be. The plan is a guide for the content, design elements, and functionality of a Web site to be released to the public, to partners, or internally. It also ( ) how long the project will take and how much it will cost. What the plan is not is a functional ( )that defines the project in detail or that produces a budget you can take to the bank.Basically you use a release Plan to do an initial sanity check of the project's ( ) and worthiness. Release Plans are useful road maps, but don't think of them as guides to the interstate road system. Instead, think of them as the ( ) used by early explorers-half rumor and guess and half hope and expectation.It's always a good idea to have a map of where a project is headed.


以下关于软件测试原则的叙述中,正确的是( )。


压力测试不会使用到以下哪种测试手段( )。


web信息系统所需要的进行的测试包括( )。①功能测试②压力测试③安装测试④兼容性测试⑤安全性测试


下图是( )设计模式的类图,该设计模式的目的是( ),图中,ConcreteCommand和Command之间是(请作答此空)关系,Invoker和Command之间是( )关系。



下图是( )设计模式的类图,该设计模式的目的是(请作答此空),图中,ConcreteStrategy和Strategy之间是( )关系,Strategy和Context之间是( )关系。



下图是(请作答此空)设计模式的类图,该设计模式的目的是( ),图中,ConcreteCommand和Command之间是( )关系,Invoker和Command之间是( )关系。



下图是( )设计模式的类图,该设计模式的目的是(请作答此空),图中,Subject和Proxy之间是( )关系,Proxy和RealSubject之间是( )关系。



下图是( )设计模式的类图,该设计模式的目的是( ),图中,ConcreteStrategy和Strategy之间是( )关系,Strategy和Context之间是(请作答此空)关系。



(请作答此空)analysis emphasizes the drawing of pictorial system models to document and validate both existing and/or proposed systems.Ultimately,the system models become the( )for designing and constructing an improved system.( )is such a technique.The emphasis in this technique is process-centered.Systems analysts draw a series of process models called( )、( )is another such technique that integrates data and process concerns into constructs called objects.


( )analysis emphasizes the drawing of pictorial system models to document and validate both existing and/or proposed systems.Ultimately,the system models become the( )for designing and constructing an improved system.(请作答此空)is such a technique.The emphasis in this technique is process-centered.Systems analysts draw a series of process models called( )、( )is another such technique that integrates data and process concerns into constructs called objects.


Cloud computing is a phrase used to describe a variety of computing concepts that involve a large number of computers_( )__through a real-time communication network such as the Internet.In science,cloud computing is a_( )__for distributed computing over a network,and means the_(请作答此空)_to run a program or application on many connected computers at the same time.The architecture of a cloud is developed at three layers:infrastructure,platform,and application.The infrastructure layer is built with virtualized compute,storage,and network resources.The platform layer is for general-purpose and repeated usage of the collection of software resources.The application layer is formed with a collection of all needed software modules for SaaS applications.The infrastructure layer serves as the_( )__for building the platform layer of the cloud.In turn,the platform layer is foundation for implementing the_( )__layer for SaaS application.


Creating a clear map of where the project is going is an important first step.It lets you identify risks,clarify objectives,and determine if the project even makes sense.The only thing more important than the release plan is not to take it too seriously.Release planning is creating a game plan for your Web project( )what you think you want your Web site to be.The plan is a guide for the content,design elements,and functionality of a Web site to be released to the public,to partners,or internally.It also( )how long the project will take and how much it will cost.What the plan is not is a functional( )that defines the project in detail or that produces a budget you can take to the bank.Basically you use a release Plan to do an initial sanity check of the project's( )and worthiness.Release Plans are useful road maps,but don't think of them as guides to the interstate road system.Instead,think of them as the(请作答此空)used by early explorers-half rumor and guess and half hope and expectation.It's always a good idea to have a map of where a project is headed.


A project is a[temporary]( )of unique,complex,and connected activities having one goal or purpose and that must be completed by a specific time,within budget,and according to( ).Project management is the process of scoping,planning,staffing,organizing,directing,and controlling the development of a(n)( )system at a minimum cost within a specified time frame.For any systems development project,effective project management is necessary to ensure that the project meets the(请作答此空),is developed within an acceptable budget,and fulfills customer expectations and specifications,Project management is a process that starts at the beginning of a project,extends through a project,and doesn't culminate until the project is completed.The prerequisite for good project management is a well-defined system development process.Process management is an ongoing activity that documents,manages the use of,and improves an organization s chosen methodology(the“process”)for system development,Process management is concerned with the activities,deliverables,and quality standards to be applied to( )project(s).


A project is a[temporary]( )of unique,complex,and connected activities having one goal or purpose and that must be completed by a specific time,within budget,and according to( ).Project management is the process of scoping,planning,staffing,organizing,directing,and controlling the development of a(n)(请作答此空)system at a minimum cost within a specified time frame.For any systems development project,effective project management is necessary to ensure that the project meets the( ),is developed within an acceptable budget,and fulfills customer expectations and specifications,Project management is a process that starts at the beginning of a project,extends through a project,and doesn't culminate until the project is completed.The prerequisite for good project management is a well-defined system development process.Process management is an ongoing activity that documents,manages the use of,and improves an organization s chosen methodology(the“process”)for system development,Process management is concerned with the activities,deliverables,and quality standards to be applied to( )project(s).


对于逻辑表达式((a&b)||c,需要( )个测试用例才能完成条件组合覆盖。


Cloud computing is a phrase used to describe a variety of computing concepts that involve a large number of computers_( )__through a real-time communication network such as the Internet.In science,cloud computing is a_(请作答此空)__for distributed computing over a network,and means the_( )_to run a program or application on many connected computers at the same time.The architecture of a cloud is developed at three layers:infrastructure,platform,and application.The infrastructure layer is built with virtualized compute,storage,and network resources.The platform layer is for general-purpose and repeated usage of the collection of software resources.The application layer is formed with a collection of all needed software modules for SaaS applications.The infrastructure layer serves as the_( )__for building the platform layer of the cloud.In turn,the platform layer is foundation for implementing the_( )__layer for SaaS application.


A project is a[temporary]( )of unique,complex,and connected activities having one goal or purpose and that must be completed by a specific time,within budget,and according to( ).Project management is the process of scoping,planning,staffing,organizing,directing,and controlling the development of a(n)( )system at a minimum cost within a specified time frame.For any systems development project,effective project management is necessary to ensure that the project meets the( ),is developed within an acceptable budget,and fulfills customer expectations and specifications,Project management is a process that starts at the beginning of a project,extends through a project,and doesn't culminate until the project is completed.The prerequisite for good project management is a well-defined system development process.Process management is an ongoing activity that documents,manages the use of,and improves an organization s chosen methodology(the“process”)for system development,Process management is concerned with the activities,deliverables,and quality standards to be applied to(请作答此空)project(s).


Cloud computing is a phrase used to describe a variety of computing concepts that involve a large number of computers_(请作答此空)__through a real-time communication network such as the Internet.In science,cloud computing is a_( )__for distributed computing over a network,and means the_( )_to run a program or application on many connected computers at the same time.The architecture of a cloud is developed at three layers:infrastructure,platform,and application.The infrastructure layer is built with virtualized compute,storage,and network resources.The platform layer is for general-purpose and repeated usage of the collection of software resources.The application layer is formed with a collection of all needed software modules for SaaS applications.The infrastructure layer serves as the_( )__for building the platform layer of the cloud.In turn,the platform layer is foundation for implementing the_( )__layer for SaaS application.


逻辑覆盖标准包括( )?①分支覆盖②语句覆盖③条件覆盖④MC/DC覆盖


一个程序的控制流图中有6个节点、6条边,在测试用例数最少的情况下,确保程序中每个可执行语句至少执行一次所需测试用例数的上限是( )。


以下哪一项不属于安全性测试与评估的基本内容( )?


以下不属于软件的易用性的是( )。