卡耐基突然拿起锤子把佛灯砸得七扭八歪,说:“现在还有人想得到它吗 ”依然有许多人举手。
卡耐基站起身,将佛灯扔进熊熊燃烧的火炉,不一会儿,把熔化得看不出形状的佛灯又拿起来,问道:“还有谁想要它呢 ”听课的人面面相觑,犹豫不决……有个人却又果断地举起手,卡耐基问:“你为什么还要它 ”那人说:“我可以重新把它打造成更漂亮的佛灯。”
【写作提示】 这是一道材料作文题,要求考生依据材料来立意、构思,材料所反映的中心就是文章中心的来源,不能脱离材料所揭示的中心来写作,故材料作文又叫“命意作文”,即出题者已经把作文的“基本中心(意)”提供给考生了,审题时要抓住关键语句重点思考。针对题中材料内容特点,可采用“提炼中心法”。这是写材料作文最为常见且最为稳妥的审题立意方法。首先认真阅读材料,抓住关键词句,或分析其中的人物语言,从中提炼出一个中心来,并以其作为文章的主旨,如此一定会使所写文章既切题又有深度。重点分析文中人物卡耐基的语句“人生在世常像佛灯一样,被埋没、被蔑视、被羞辱,但就看自己是不是金子,朽木燃烧了,变成灰尘就没了价值,金子被烧化了价值依然存在,所以人生价值不是外在形象,而是内在素质和质量!”
我国保护少年儿童权益的专项法律是《中华人民共和国未成年人保护法》。( )
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If you don′t think a phone is the rightgift for a lover, the smart choice this year is a smart phone.
For people who don′t read instructions
The easiest-to-use phone is the iPhone. It′sthat has pushed it to the No.1 selling position, surpassing the Motorola Razr.The iPhone′s touch screen is easy to operate and it′s also easy to customize (用户化). The iPhone can run allsorts of applications such as those help you to lose weight, identify a song onthe radio, find a restaurant or do many other things.
For the futurist
The T-Mobile G1 is very popular as it is thefirst phone to offer a Google browser, meaning that you′re getting the real webon your phone, but it′s the phone′s potential that qualifies it for the futurist.The exciting applications are interesting, but they don′t always work smoothly.Sometimes it is hard to use the applications it comes with. The system shouldimprove as it becomes more popular, so it holds great promise. With fewrestrictions on the design of applications for the phone,
the G1 could be the first phone toincorporate (整合) some of the coolest.
For the road warrior
The new BlackBerry Storm is something likethe equivalent (等同物) of a mullet--a business up front, party in the back. It stillincorporates the serious mail and organization features that have endeared (使受钟爱) these phones to business people. The 3.25-inch is bright anddetailed and it′s a decent size for watching videos on the go.
For the Luddite (反对技术进步的人)
For those who can′t handle buttons and newfeatures, there is the Samsung Jitterbug Dial. Some people are Luddites whojust want a few large buttons to make calls. That′s it, just calls. That makesit even easier to use an iPhone.
What would be the best title forthe passage (no more than 6 words)
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依据《普通高中英语课程标准》,语言有丰富的文化内涵。教师应根据学生的年龄特点和__________ ,逐步扩展文化知识的内容和范围。
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( )、同龄人的交流、儿童的养育实践、教育与文化是影响儿童道德发展的主要因素。
- A.认知
- B.模仿
- C.交往
- D.合作
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加涅认为复述不仅能有利于保持信息以便进行编码,也能增加短时记忆的容量。( )
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