The project workbook is not so much a separate document as it is a structure imposed on the documents that the project will be producing anyway.All the documents of the project need to be part of this ( ). This includes objectives ,external specifications , interface specifications , technical standards , internal specifications and administrative memoranda(备忘录).Technical prose is almost immortal. If one examines the genealogy ( Ff ) of a customer manual for a piece of hardware or software , one can trace not only the ideas , but also many of the very sentences and paragraphs back to the first ( ) proposing the product or explaining the first design. For the technical writer, the paste-pot is as mighty as the pen.Since this is so, and since tomorrow's product-quality manuals will grow from today’s memos, it is very important to get the structure of the documentation right. The early design of the project ( ) ensures that the documentation structure itself is crafted, not haphazard. Moreover, the establishment of a structure molds later writing into segments that fit into that structure.The second reason for the project workbook is control of the distribution of ( ). The problem is not to restrict information, but to ensure that relevant information gets to all the people who need it.The first step is to number all memoranda, so that ordered lists of titles are available and h worker can see if he has what he wants. The organization of the workbook goes well beyond this to establish a tree-structure of memoranda. The (请作答此空) allows distribution lists to be maintained by subtree, if that is desirable.
- A.list
- B.document
- C.tree-structure
- D.number
项目工作手册不是单独一篇文档,它是对项目必须产出一系列文档进行组织一种结果,项目所有文档都必须是该结构一部分。这包括目标,外部规范说明,接口规范,技术标准,内部规范和管理备忘录(备忘录)。技术说明几乎是必不可少。如果某人就硬件和软件某部分,去查看一系列相关用户手册。 他发现不仅仅是思路而且还有能追溯到最早备忘录许多文字和章节,这些备忘录对产品提出建议或者解释设计。对于技术作者而言,文章剪裁粘贴与钢笔一样有用。 基于上述理由,再加上“未来产品”质量手册将诞生于“今天产品”备忘录所以正确文档结构非常重要。事先将项目工作手册设计好,能保证文档结构本身是规范,而不是杂乱无章。另外,有了文档结构,后来书写文字就可以放置在合适章节中。使用项目手册第一个原因是控制信息布。控制信息发布并不是为了限制信息而是确保信息能到达所有需要它人手中项目手册第一步是对所有备忘录编号,从而每个工作人员可以通过标题列表来检索是否有他所需要信息。还有一种更好组织方法 就是使用树状索引结构。而且如果需要话可以使用树结构中子树来维护发布列表。
某软件公司项目A的利润分析如下表所示。设贴现率为10%,第二年的利润净现值是 ( ) 元。
- A.1,378,190
- B.949,167
- C.941,322D 922,590
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以下关于项目管理计划编制的理解中,正确的是( ) 。
- A.项目经理应组织并主要参与项目管理计划的编制,但不应独立编制
- B.项目管理计划的编制不能采用迭代的方法
- C.让项目干系人参与项目计划的编制,增加了沟通成本,应尽量避免D 项目管理计划不能是概括的,必须是详细、具体的
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某软件企业2004年初计划投资1000万人民币开发一套中间件产品,预计从2005年开始,年实现产品销售收入1500万元,年市场销售成本1000万元。该产品的系统分析员张工根据财务总监提供的贴现率,制作了如下的产品销售现金流量表。根据表中的数据,该产品的动态投资回收期是 ( ) 年。
- A.1
- B.2
- C.2.27D 2.73
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软件设计过程中,视图可以从不同角度描述软件结构,以下关于几个常见视图的说法中, ( ) 是错误的。
- A.逻辑视图从功能需求角度描述了软件结构
- B.组件视图从实现角度描述了软件结构
- C.过程视图从质量角度描述了软件结构D 部署视图从分布问题角度描述了软件结构
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A project manager believes that modifying the scope of the project may provide added value service for the customer. The project manager should ( ) .
- A.assign change tasks to project members
- A meeting of the configuration control board
- C.change the scope baseline
- D.postpone the modification until A separate enhancement project is fundeD after this project is completeD according to the original baseline
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