People are indulging in an illusion whenever they find themselves explaining at a cocktail (鸡尾酒) party, say, that they are "in computers," or "in telecommunications," or "in electronic funds transfer". The implication is that they are part of the high-tech world. Just between US, they usually aren't. The researchers who made fundamental breakthroughs in those areas are in a high-tech business. The rest of us are __1____ of their work. We use computers and other new technology components to develop our products or to organize our affairs. Because we go about this work in teams and projects and other tightly knit working groups(紧密联系在一起工作小组), we are mostly in the human communication business. Our successes stem from good human interactions by all participants in the effort, and our failures stem from poor human interactions. The main reason we tend to focus on the ____2__ rather than the human side of the work is not because it's more ___3__, but because it's easier to do. Getting the new disk drive installed is positively trivial compared to figuring out why Horace is in a blue funk (恐惧) or why Susan is dissatisfied with the company after only a few months. Human interactions are complicated and never very crisp (干脆, 干净利落) and clean in their effects, but they matter more than any other aspect of the work. If you find yourself concentrating on the ___4__ rather than the ____5__, you're like the vaudeville character (杂耍人物) who loses his keys on a dark street and looks for them on the adjacent street because, as he explains, "The light is better there!".2、____
- A.technical
- B.classical
- D.societal
某软件公司项目A的利润分析如下表所示。设贴现率为10%,第二年的利润净现值是 ( ) 元。
- A.1,378,190
- B.949,167
- C.941,322D 922,590
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以下关于项目管理计划编制的理解中,正确的是( ) 。
- A.项目经理应组织并主要参与项目管理计划的编制,但不应独立编制
- B.项目管理计划的编制不能采用迭代的方法
- C.让项目干系人参与项目计划的编制,增加了沟通成本,应尽量避免D 项目管理计划不能是概括的,必须是详细、具体的
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某软件企业2004年初计划投资1000万人民币开发一套中间件产品,预计从2005年开始,年实现产品销售收入1500万元,年市场销售成本1000万元。该产品的系统分析员张工根据财务总监提供的贴现率,制作了如下的产品销售现金流量表。根据表中的数据,该产品的动态投资回收期是 ( ) 年。
- A.1
- B.2
- C.2.27D 2.73
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软件设计过程中,视图可以从不同角度描述软件结构,以下关于几个常见视图的说法中, ( ) 是错误的。
- A.逻辑视图从功能需求角度描述了软件结构
- B.组件视图从实现角度描述了软件结构
- C.过程视图从质量角度描述了软件结构D 部署视图从分布问题角度描述了软件结构
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A project manager believes that modifying the scope of the project may provide added value service for the customer. The project manager should ( ) .
- A.assign change tasks to project members
- A meeting of the configuration control board
- C.change the scope baseline
- D.postpone the modification until A separate enhancement project is fundeD after this project is completeD according to the original baseline
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