
Nicola Sturgeon's speech last Tuesday setting out the Scottish government's legislativeprogramme for the year ahead confirmed what was already pretty clear. Scottish councils are settobe the first in the UK with the power to levy charges on visitors,with Edinburgh likely to lead theway.

Tourist tazes are not new. The Himayalan kingdorm of Bhutan has a longstanding polcy ofcharging visitors a daily fee. France's taxe de sejour on overnight stays was introduced to assistthermai spa(温泉)towns to develop, and around half of French local authorities use it today.

But such levies are on the rise.Moves by Barcelona and verice to deal with the phenomenonof"over-tourisrm”through the use of charges have recently gained prorminence.Japan and Greeceare among the countries to have recently introduced tourist taxes.

That the UK lags behind is due to our weak, by international standards, local government,aswell as the opposition to tazes and regulation of our aggressively pro-market ruling party. SomeUKcities have lobbied without success for the power to levy a charge on visitors. Such levies areno universal remedy as the amounts raised would be tiny compared with what has been takenaway by central government since 2010.Still it is to be hoped that the Scottish government's boldmove will prompt others to act.There is no reason why visitors to the UK, or domestic tourists onholiday in hotspots such as Cornwall, should be exempt from taxation-particularly when vital localservices includirng waste collection,park maintenance and arts and culture spending are underunprecedented strain.

On the contrary,compelling tourists to make a financial contribution to the places they visit:beyond their personal consurmption should be part of a wider cultural shift. westerners withdisposable incomes have often behaved as if they have a right to go wherever they choose withlittle regard for the consequences.Just as the environmental harrm caused by aviation and othertransport must corne under far greater scrutiny, the social cost of tourism must also be confronted.This includes the impact of short-term lets on housing costs and quality of lfe for residents.Several European capitals,inchading Paris and Berlin,are leading a campaign for tougherregulation by the European Uraion. It also includes the impact of overcrowding,liter and the kirdsof behaviour associated with noisy parties.

There is no"one size fits all"solution to this problem.The existence of new revenue streamsfor some but not al councis is complicated and businesses are often opposed fearing highercosts will make thern uncorrpetitive. But those places that want therm rrust be given the chance tomake tourist taxes work.

51. What do we leam fron Nicola Sturgeon's speech?




51 .B) Tourists will have to pay a tax to visit Scotland.

52 .C) Its ruling party is opposed to taxes and regulation.

53 .D) Ease its financial burden of providing local services

54 .A) They don, t seem to care about the social cost of tourism.

55 .D) Unclear.




Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a letter to a foreign friend who wants to study in China. Please recommend a university to him. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.


Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a letter to a foreign friend who wants to teach English. Please recommend a city to him. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.


中国,地球上最吸引人的国家之一,有5000多年的历史,是目前全球第二大经济体(the second largest economy)。随着广泛的经济改革,中国正经历着显著、快速的变化。1949年以前的中国极端贫困、收入不平衡(incomeinequalities)、国家不安全。由于经济改革,从1980年开始,人民的生活水平开始提升至基本水平之上。全国人口有了足够的食物、衣服和住房,普通家庭可以吃得起各种各样的食物,穿得上时尚的衣服。


The fifth largest city in US passed a significant soda tax proposal that will levy (征税)1.5 cents per liquid ounce on distributors.

Philadelphil's new measure was approved by a 13 to 4 city council vote. It sets a new bar for similar initiatives across the country. It is proof that taxes on sugary drinks can win substantial support outside super-liberal areas. Until now, the only city to successfully pass and implement a soda tax was Berkeley, California, in 2014.

The tax will apply to regular and diet sodas, as well as other drinks with adder sugar, such as Gatorade and iced teas. It's expected to raise $410 million over the next five years, most of which will go toward funding a universal pre-kindergarten program for the city.

While the city council vote was met with applause inside the council room, opponents to the measure, including soda lobbyists, made sharp criticisms and a promise to challenge the tax in court.

"The tax passed today unfairly singles out beverages — including low —and no-calorie choices," said Lauren Kane, spokeswoman for the American Beverage Association. "But most importantly, it is against the law. So we will side with the majority of the people of Philadelphia who oppose this tax and take legal action to stop it."

An industry-backed anti-tax campaign has spent at least $4 million on advertisements. The ads criticized the measure, characterizing it as a "grocery tax".

Public health groups applauded the approved tax as step toward fixing certain lasting health issues that plague Americans. "The move to recapture a small part of the profits from an industry that pushed a product that contributes to diabetes, obesity and heart disease in poorer communities in order to reinvest in those communities will sure be inspirational to many other places," said Jim Krieger, executive director of Healthy Food America. "indeed, we are already hearing from some of them. It's not 'just Berkeley' anymore."

Similar measures in California's Albany, Oakland, San Francisco and Colorado's Boulder are becoming hot-button issues. Health advocacy groups have hinted that even more might be coming.

46. What does the passage say about the newly-approved soda tax in Philadelphia?

A) It will change the lifestyle of many consumers.

B) It may encourage other US cities to fllow suit.

C) It will cut soda consumption among low-income communities.

D) It may influence the marketing strategies of the soda business.

47. What will the opponents probably do to respond to the soda tax proposal?

A) Bargain with the city council.

B) Refuse to pay additional tax.

C) Take legal action against it.

D) Try to win public support.

48. What did the industry-backed anti-tax campaign do about the soda tax proposal?

A) It tried to arouse hostile felings among consumers.

B) It tried to win grocers' support against the measure.

C) It kept sending ltters of protest to the media.

D) It criticized the measure through advertising.

49. What did public health groups think the soda tax would do?

A) Alert people to the risk of sugar-induced diseases.

B) Help people to fix certain long-time health issues.

C) Add to the fund for their rescarch on discases.

D) Benefit low-income people across the country.

50. What do we lear about similar measures concening the soda tax in some other citics?

A) They are becoming rather sensitive issues.

B) They are spreading panic in the soda industry.

C) They are reducing the incidence of sugar-induced diseases.

D) They are taking away a lot of proft from the soda industry.




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