During the summer session there will be a revised schedule of services for the university community. Specific changes for intercampus bus services, the cafeteria, and summer hours for the infirmary(医务室)and recreational and athletic facilities will be posted on the bulletin board outside of the cafeteria. Weekly movie and concert schedules which are in the process of being arranged will be posted each Wednesday outside of the cafeteria.
Intercampus buses will leave the main hall every hour on the half hour and make all of the regular stops on their route around the campus. The cafeteria will serve breakfast, lunch, and early dinner from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. during the week and from noon to 7 p.m. on weekends. The library will maintain regular hours during the week, but shorter hours on Saturdays and Sundays. The weekend hours are from noon to 7 p.m..
All students who want to use the library borrowing services and the recreational, athletic, and entertainment facilities must have valid summer identification cards. This announcement will also appear in the next issue of the student newspaper.
Specific schedule revisions for which of the following facilities are listed in this announcement?( )
- A.Athletic and recreational
- B.Food and transportation
- C.Bookstore and post office
- D.Medical and audio-visual(视听的)
请选出读音不同的选项。( )
- A.见图A
- B.见图B
- C.见图C
- D.见图D
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7月16日,我国智能科技领域的最高奖“( )人工智能科学技术奖”揭晓,共评出66个获奖项目成果。浙江大学潘云鹤院士在计算机美学、数字图书馆、智能城市等领域取得多项重大成果,荣获该奖项的最高成就奖。
- A.黄昆
- B.金怡濂
- C.谷超豪
- D.吴文俊
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近日,全国政协常委、中国佛教协会副会长、中国佛教协会西藏分会会长班禅额尔德尼·确吉杰布在西藏自治区拉萨市主持召开年轻活佛培养教育座谈会。班禅说,藏传佛教传承千年,是佛教( )的具体产物,是中华文化宝库中的一颗璀璨明珠。
- A.中国化
- B.制度化
- C.规范化
- D.程序化
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2022全球数字经济大会以“( )”为主题,定于7月28-30日在北京举办。
- A.启航数字文明——新要素、新规则、新格局
- B.激活数据价值 服务数字经济
- C.激发数据潜能 共赢数字未来
- D.发挥优势 共创未来——打造数字经济国际合作先行区
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7月12日下午,习近平来到新疆大学考察调研时强调,育人的根本在于( )。
- A.立德
- B.立学
- C.树人
- D.育才
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