某工厂业务处理系统的部分需求为:客户将订货信息填入订货单,销售部员工查询库存管理系统获得商品的库存,并检查订货单,如果订货单符合系统的要求,则将批准信息填入批准表,将发货信息填入发货单;如果不符合要求,则将拒绝信息填入拒绝表。对于检查订货单,需要根据客户的订货单金额( 如大于等于 5000,小于 5000元) 和客户目前的偿还款情况(如大于 60 天,小于等于 60 天),采取不同的动作,如不批准、 发出批准书、发出发货单和发催款通知书等。根据该需求绘制数据流图,则(请作答此空)表示为数据存储。使用()表达检查订货单的规则更合适。
- A.客户
- B.订货信息
- C.订货单
- D.检查订货单
( )is the process of transforming information so it is unintelligible to anyone but the intended recipient.
- A.Encryption
- B.Decryption
- C.Security
- D.Protection
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As each application module is completed,it undergoes( )to ensure that it operates correctly and reliably.
- A.unit testing
- B.integration testing
- C.system testing
- D.acceptance testing
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( )algorithm specifies the way to arrange data in a particular order.
- A.Search
- B.Random
- C.Sorting
- D.Merge
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After analyzing the source code,( )generates machine instructions that will carry out the meaning of the program at a later time.
- A.an interpreter
- B.a linker
- C.a compiler
- D.a converter
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( )can help organizations to better understand the information contained within the data and will also help identify the data that is most important to the business and future business decisions.
- A.Data processing system
- B.Big Data analytics
- C.Cloud computing
- D.Database management
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