

明月几时有 把酒问青天。不知天上宫阙,今夕是何年 我欲乘风归去,又恐琼楼玉宇,高处不胜寒。起舞弄清影,何似在人间!转朱阁,低绮户,照无眠。不应有恨,何事长向别时圆 人有悲欢离合,月有阴晴圆缺,此事古难全。但愿人长久,千里共婵娟。





(1)这首词以仰望明月为线索抒情,上下片作者的思想感情各有一次起伏变化。上片写出世与入世思想的起伏变化。词人把酒问月,不知月亮是什么时候才有的,也不知道在仙界今天是哪一年,想到天上看个究竟,但是又担心天上寒冷孤寂,故还不如待在人间。仕途上的坎坷,使他产生了出世的念头,但他的内心还是眷恋着人世间的生活。下片写对人间离别之苦由遗憾到达观的过程。词人先是怨恨月亮好像故意和人作对,偏偏在人离别的时候变圆。因为圆月是团圆的象征,而他们兄弟却不能团聚。但词人又很快从这种痛苦中解脱出来,认为就像月有阴晴圆缺一样,人间的悲欢离合也是常有之事,自古以来,难以求全。情绪由焦虑转为解脱,由痛苦转为达观。 (2)这首词一反以往词专门表现艳情的传统,在词中表现深刻的人生哲理。如上片谈出世与入世的矛盾,结论是,人间虽有烦恼,但也胜过天上的孤寂,表现作者对人间生活的挚爱之情。下片谈对悲欢离合的看法,以自然之理比喻人生之理,指出人生不可能完美无缺,应该以通达的态度来看待人生,才能摆脱内心的烦恼。?



学校将组织一次英语演讲比赛,打算邀请外教(John)来做评委。请你(Li Yuan)给他写一封e—mail,内容包括:?






A.I am free on Sunday.

B.See you then!

C.Where are you planning to go?


E.I need a break!

F.Would you like to join us?

G.That is a lovely place.

H.When shall we leave?

Daniel:How are you doing,Linda?

Linda:To be honest,I am really tired of my

  • A.见图A
  • B.见图B
  • C.见图C
  • D.见图D

Heahh care experts have long drawn attention to the problems of eating too much sah.There isstrong evidence that a diet high in salt can lead to raised blood pressure.Since high blood pressure is amajor factor in heart disease.it makes sense to cut down on the salt people eat.?

In the past,food contained very little salt,and people added it to their food at the table.Very fewpeople ?add ?salt this ?way ?nowadays.However,the ?salt ?content ?of processed ?foods has ?gone ?updramatically.It’s now estimated that over three.quarters of the salt in the average diet comes fromprocessed foods,eaten without our being aware of it.?

Salt is added to food partly to extend shelf-life.but more often it’s dropped in to make up for theflavor lost in the manufacturing process.This is especially true of ready meals and highly processedfoods.but it’s also true of such basic food as biscuits,soups,and even bread.Much mass—producedbread,for instance.contains so much salt.half a gram for every hundred grams of bread--that it’sofficiallv classified bv the UK government as high——salt food.Salt has to be added to the bread becausefast Droduetion cuts down the time for the flavor to develop.Without added salt,the bread would tastelike paper.?

In the UK,the government has launched a campaign to cut down on the salt people eat.The UK Food Standards Agency argues that nearly half of the UK’s population eat too much salt—9.5 9 a day onaverage.Its aim is to bring down the average t0 69 a day.The idea is to cut the salt content in 85 keyfood categories such as bread.meat.and cakes.?

?What is the passage mainly about?

  • A.Salt and food flavor
  • B.Salt and people' s lifestyle
  • C.Salt and food processing
  • D.Salt and people' s health

Heahh care experts have long drawn attention to the problems of eating too much sah.There isstrong evidence that a diet high in salt can lead to raised blood pressure.Since high blood pressure is amajor factor in heart disease.it makes sense to cut down on the salt people eat.?

In the past,food contained very little salt,and people added it to their food at the table.Very fewpeople ?add ?salt this ?way ?nowadays.However,the ?salt ?content ?of processed ?foods has ?gone ?updramatically.It’s now estimated that over three.quarters of the salt in the average diet comes fromprocessed foods,eaten without our being aware of it.?

Salt is added to food partly to extend shelf-life.but more often it’s dropped in to make up for theflavor lost in the manufacturing process.This is especially true of ready meals and highly processedfoods.but it’s also true of such basic food as biscuits,soups,and even bread.Much mass—producedbread,for instance.contains so much salt.half a gram for every hundred grams of bread--that it’sofficiallv classified bv the UK government as high——salt food.Salt has to be added to the bread becausefast Droduetion cuts down the time for the flavor to develop.Without added salt,the bread would tastelike paper.?

In the UK,the government has launched a campaign to cut down on the salt people eat.The UK Food Standards Agency argues that nearly half of the UK’s population eat too much salt—9.5 9 a day onaverage.Its aim is to bring down the average t0 69 a day.The idea is to cut the salt content in 85 keyfood categories such as bread.meat.and cakes.?

Which of the following is classified as high—salt food by the UK government?

  • A.Mass.produced bread
  • B.Light-cooked meat
  • C.Sweet biscuits
  • D.Fresh vegetables

Heahh care experts have long drawn attention to the problems of eating too much sah.There isstrong evidence that a diet high in salt can lead to raised blood pressure.Since high blood pressure is amajor factor in heart disease.it makes sense to cut down on the salt people eat.?

In the past,food contained very little salt,and people added it to their food at the table.Very fewpeople ?add ?salt this ?way ?nowadays.However,the ?salt ?content ?of processed ?foods has ?gone ?updramatically.It’s now estimated that over three.quarters of the salt in the average diet comes fromprocessed foods,eaten without our being aware of it.?

Salt is added to food partly to extend shelf-life.but more often it’s dropped in to make up for theflavor lost in the manufacturing process.This is especially true of ready meals and highly processedfoods.but it’s also true of such basic food as biscuits,soups,and even bread.Much mass—producedbread,for instance.contains so much salt.half a gram for every hundred grams of bread--that it’sofficiallv classified bv the UK government as high——salt food.Salt has to be added to the bread becausefast Droduetion cuts down the time for the flavor to develop.Without added salt,the bread would tastelike paper.?

In the UK,the government has launched a campaign to cut down on the salt people eat.The UK Food Standards Agency argues that nearly half of the UK’s population eat too much salt—9.5 9 a day onaverage.Its aim is to bring down the average t0 69 a day.The idea is to cut the salt content in 85 keyfood categories such as bread.meat.and cakes.?

What can be inferred about people’s use of salt in the past?

  • A.People used salt to control blood pressure
  • B.People ate much salt in their average diet
  • C.People were clear about the harmful effect of salt
  • D.People didn ’t eat so much salt as we do today

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