软件需求就是系统必须完成的事以及必须具备的品质。需求是多层次的,涵盖从目标到具体,从整体到局部,从概念到细节的不同要求。其中( )需求通常来自项目投资人、购买产品的客户、客户单位的管理人员、市场营销部门或产品策划部门等。(请作答此空)需求是系统必须能完成的任务。通常采取用户访谈和问卷调查等方式来获取。()需求是从一个系统的角度出发,包括功能需求、非功能需求和设计约束等。
- A.系统需求
- B.用户需求
- C.业务需求
- D.期望需求
简单地说,软件需求就是系统必须完成的事以及必须具备的品质。需求是多层次的,包括业务需求、用户需求和系统需求,这三个不同层次从目标到具体,从整体到局部,从概念到细节。 (1)业务需求。业务需求是指反映企业或客户对系统高层次的目标要求,通常来自项目投资人、购买产品的客户、客户单位的管理人员、市场营销部门或产品策划部门等。通过业务需求可以确定项目视图和范围。 (2)用户需求。用户需求描述的是用户的具体目标,或用户要求系统必须能完成的任务。也就是说,用户需求描述了用户能使用系统来做些什么。通常采取用户访谈和问卷调查等方式,对用户使用的场景(scenarios)进行整理,从而建立用户需求(3)系统需求。系统需求是从系统的角度来说明软件的需求,包括功能需求、非功能需求和设计约束等。
Advancements in ( )have contributed to the growth of the automotive industry through the creation and evolution of self-driving vehicles.
- A.Artificial Intelligence
- B.Cloud Computing
- C.Internet of Things
- D.Big Data
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In project human resource management , ( )is not a source of power for the project manager.
- A.referent power
- B.expert power
- C.reward power
- D.audit power
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At the project establishment stage , the feasibility study mainly includes techinical feasibility analysis , ( ), operation environment feasibility analysis and other aspects of feasibility analysis.
- A.detail feasibility analysis
- B.opportunity analysis
- C.economic feasibility analysis
- D.risk analysis
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( )is a grid that shows the project resources assigned to each work package.
- A.Stakeholder engagement assessment matrix
- B.Requirements traceability matrix
- C.Probability and impact matrix
- D.Responsibility assignment matrix
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Xinhua News Agency reported in January 2022,Chian will further promote the developmet of a digital economy during the 14th Five-Year Plan eriod(2021-2025). The plan also emphasized industrial ( )transformation.
- A.digital
- B.networking
- C.intelligentize
- D.informatization
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