J2EE应用系统支持5种不同类型的构件模型,包括( )。
- A.Applet、JFC、JSP、Servlet、EJ
- D.Applet、Servlet、JSP、EJB.Application Client
J2EE 核心组成如下。(1) 容器:Applet Container、Application Container、Web Container、EJB Container。(2) 组件:Applet、Application、JSP/Servlet、EJB。(3) 服务:HTTP(Hypertext Transfer Protocol,超文本传输协议)。(4) RMI-IIOP(Remote Method Invocation over the Internet Inter-ORB Protocol):远程方法调用,融合了Java RMI和CORBA(Common Object Request Broker Architecture,公共对象请求代理体系结构)在使用Application或Web端访问EJB端组件时使用。(5) Java IDL(Java Interface Definition Language):Java接口定义语言,主要用于访问外部的CORBA服务。(6) JTA(Java Transaction API):用于进行事务处理操作的API。(7) JDBC(Java Database Connectivity):为数据库操作提供的一组API。(8) JMS(Java Massage Service):用于发送点对点消息的服务。(9) Java Mail:用于发送邮件。(10) JAF(JavaBeans Activation Framework):JavaBean激活框架用于封装数据。(11) JNDI(Java Naming and Directory Interface):命名目录服务。(12) JAXP(Java API for XML Parsing):专门用于XML解析操作的API。(13) JCA(J2EE Connector Architecture):Java 连接器构架。(14) JAAS(Java Authentication and Authorization Service):认证和授权服务。(15) JSF(Java Server Faces):一种用于构建Java Web 应用程序的标准框架。(16) JSTL(JSP Standard Tag Library):JSP标准标签库。(17) SAAJ(SOAP with Attachments API for JAVA):在松耦合软件系统中利用SOAP协议实现的基于XML消息传递的API规范。(18) JAXR(Java API for XML Registries):提供了多种类型注册服务进行交互的API。
Advancements in ( )have contributed to the growth of the automotive industry through the creation and evolution of self-driving vehicles.
- A.Artificial Intelligence
- B.Cloud Computing
- C.Internet of Things
- D.Big Data
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In project human resource management , ( )is not a source of power for the project manager.
- A.referent power
- B.expert power
- C.reward power
- D.audit power
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At the project establishment stage , the feasibility study mainly includes techinical feasibility analysis , ( ), operation environment feasibility analysis and other aspects of feasibility analysis.
- A.detail feasibility analysis
- B.opportunity analysis
- C.economic feasibility analysis
- D.risk analysis
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( )is a grid that shows the project resources assigned to each work package.
- A.Stakeholder engagement assessment matrix
- B.Requirements traceability matrix
- C.Probability and impact matrix
- D.Responsibility assignment matrix
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Xinhua News Agency reported in January 2022,Chian will further promote the developmet of a digital economy during the 14th Five-Year Plan eriod(2021-2025). The plan also emphasized industrial ( )transformation.
- A.digital
- B.networking
- C.intelligentize
- D.informatization
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