


在上述背景下,国家标准《信息处理系统工程开放系统互联基本参考模型——第二部分:安全体系结构》(GB/T 9387.2-1995)定义了基于OSI参考模型7层协议之上的信息安全体系,其核心内容是:为了保证异构计算机进程与进程之间远距离交换信息的安全,定义了认证服务、访问控制服务、数据机密性服务、数据完整性服务和抗抵赖性服务等5大类安全服务,以及提供这些服务的8类安全机制及相应的OSI安全管理,并根据具体系统适当配置于OSI模型的7层协议之中。




2.请对GB/T 9387.2-1995中定义的5大类安全服务进行描述,阐述每类安全服务的定义和主要实现手段。















Data security is the practice of protecting digital information from ( )access,corruption,or theft throughout its entire lifecycle. It is a concept that encompasses every aspect of information security from the ( )security of hardware and storage devices to administrative and access controls,as well as the logical security of software applications. It also includes organizational ( )and procedures.Data security involves deploying tools and technologies that enhance the organization's visibility into where its critical data resides and how it is used. These tools and technologies should ( )the growing challenges inherent in securing today's complex distributed,hybrid,and/or multicloud computing environments.Ideally,these tools should be able to apply protections like (作答此空),data masking,and redaction of sensitive files, and should automate reporting to streamline audits and adhering to regulatory requirements.

  • A.compression
  • B.encryption
  • C.decryption
  • D.translation

Data security is the practice of protecting digital information from ( )access,corruption,or theft throughout its entire lifecycle. It is a concept that encompasses every aspect of information security from the ( )security of hardware and storage devices to administrative and access controls,as well as the logical security of software applications. It also includes organizational ( )and procedures.Data security involves deploying tools and technologies that enhance the organization's visibility into where its critical data resides and how it is used. These tools and technologies should (作答此空)the growing challenges inherent in securing today's complex distributed,hybrid,and/or multicloud computing environments.Ideally,these tools should be able to apply protections like ( ),data masking,and redaction of sensitive files, and should automate reporting to streamline audits and adhering to regulatory requirements.

  • A.address
  • B.define
  • C.ignore
  • D.pose

Data security is the practice of protecting digital information from ( )access,corruption,or theft throughout its entire lifecycle. It is a concept that encompasses every aspect of information security from the ( )security of hardware and storage devices to administrative and access controls,as well as the logical security of software applications. It also includes organizational (作答此空)and procedures.Data security involves deploying tools and technologies that enhance the organization's visibility into where its critical data resides and how it is used. These tools and technologies should ( )the growing challenges inherent in securing today's complex distributed,hybrid,and/or multicloud computing environments.Ideally,these tools should be able to apply protections like ( ),data masking,and redaction of sensitive files, and should automate reporting to streamline audits and adhering to regulatory requirements.

  • A.behaviors
  • B.cultures
  • C.policies
  • D.structures

Data security is the practice of protecting digital information from ( )access,corruption,or theft throughout its entire lifecycle. It is a concept that encompasses every aspect of information security from the (作答此空)security of hardware and storage devices to administrative and access controls,as well as the logical security of software applications. It also includes organizational ( )and procedures.Data security involves deploying tools and technologies that enhance the organization's visibility into where its critical data resides and how it is used. These tools and technologies should ( )the growing challenges inherent in securing today's complex distributed,hybrid,and/or multicloud computing environments.Ideally,these tools should be able to apply protections like ( ),data masking,and redaction of sensitive files, and should automate reporting to streamline audits and adhering to regulatory requirements.

  • A.logical
  • B.physical
  • C.network
  • D.Information

Data security is the practice of protecting digital information from (作答此空)access,corruption,or theft throughout its entire lifecycle. It is a concept that encompasses every aspect of information security from the ( )security of hardware and storage devices to administrative and access controls,as well as the logical security of software applications. It also includes organizational ( )and procedures.Data security involves deploying tools and technologies that enhance the organization's visibility into where its critical data resides and how it is used. These tools and technologies should ( )the growing challenges inherent in securing today's complex distributed,hybrid,and/or multicloud computing environments.Ideally,these tools should be able to apply protections like ( ),data masking,and redaction of sensitive files, and should automate reporting to streamline audits and adhering to regulatory requirements.

  • A.unauthorizeD
  • B.authorizeD
  • C.normal
  • D.frequent

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