某手机应用上线后,收到老年用户的多起投诉:界面繁琐,字体太小,使用不方便。这反映了项目组在( )工作中存在不足。
- A.变更控制
- B.识别干系人
- C.质量控制
- D.团队建设
项目干系人包括项目当事人和其利益受该项目影响(受益或受损)的个人和组织;也可以把他们称作项 目的利害关系者。除了上述的项目当事人外,**项目干系人还可能包括政府的有关部门、社区公众、项目用户、新闻媒体、市场中潜在的竞争对手和合作伙伴等**;甚至项目班子成员的家属也应视为项目干系人。
( )is that it provides guidance and direction on how quality will be managed and verified throughout the project.
- A.Plan Quality Management
- B.Manage Quality
- C.Control Quality
- D.Project Charter
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( )the process of determining,documenting,and managing stakeholder needs and requirements to meet Project objectives.
- A.Plan Scope Management
- B.Collection Requirements
- C.Validate Scope
- D.Control Scope
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The information security management system preserves the confidentiality,integrity and availability of information by applying a( ).
- A.technology management process
- B.resource management process
- C.quality management process
- D.risk management process
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( )is a decentralized database,ensure that the data will not be tampered with and forged.
- A.Artificial intelligence
- B.Blockchain
- C.Sensing technology
- D.Big datA
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( )puts computer resources on the web,and must meet the requirements of super capacity,super concurrency,super speed and super security.
- A.Cloud computing
- B.Big datA
- C.Blockchain
- D.Internet of things
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