
We often think of drawing as something that takes inborntalent, but this kind of thinking stems from our misclassifi-cation of drawing as, primarily, an art form rather than atool for learning.Researchers, teachers, and artists are starting to see howdrawing can positively impact a wide variety of skills anddisciplines.

Most of us have spent some time drawing before, but atsome point, most of us stop drawing. There are people whodon't, obviously, and thank god for that: a world withoutdesigners and artists would be a very shabby one indeed.

Some argue that so many adults have abandoned drawingbecause we've miscategorized it and given it a very narrowdefinition.In his book, Stick Figures: Drawing as a HumanPractice, Professor D.B. Dowd argues that "We have mis-filed the significance of drawing because we see it as a pro-fessional skill instead of a personal capacity. We mistakenlythink of "good" drawings as those which work as recre-ations of the real world, as realistic illusions.Rather, draw-ing should be recategorized as a symbolic tool.

Human beings have been drawing for 73,000 years. It's partof what it means to be human.We

don't have the strength of chimpanzees(大猩猩) becausewe've given up animal strength to

manipulate subtle instruments, like hammers, spears,and- later-pens and pencils. The human hand is an ex-tremely dense network of nerve endings. In many ways,human beings are built to draw.

Some researchers argue that doodling(涂画)activates thebrain's so-called default circuit—

essentially, the areas of the brain responsible for maintain-ing a baseline level of activity in the absence of other stim-uli.Because of this, some believe that doodling during aboring lecture can help students pay attention.In onestudy, participants were asked to listen to a list of nameswhile either doodling or sitting still. Those who remem-bered 20 percent more of the names than those who didnot.

There's also evidence that drawing talent is based on howaccurately someone perceives the world.The human visualsystem tends to misjudge size, shape, color, and angles butartists perceive these qualities more accurately than

non-artists. Cultivating drawing talent can become an es-sential tool to improve people's observational skills in fieldswhere the visual is important.

Rather than think of drawing as a talent that some creativepeople are gifted in, we should consider it as a tool forseeing and understanding the world better-one that just sohappens to double as an art from.Both absent-mindeddoodling and copying from life have been shown to posi-tively affect your memory and visual perception ,so com-plain loudly the next time your school board slashes the artdepartment's budget.

46.What do people generally think about drawing? 

A) lt is agift creative people are endowed with.

B) lt is a skill that isacquired with practice

C) lt is an art form that is appreciated by all.

D) lt is an ability everyone should cultivate.

47.What do we learn about designers and artists?

A)They are declining gradually in number

B)They are keen on changing shabby surroundings.

C)They add beauty and charm to the world.

D) They spend most of their lives drawing.

48.What does Professor D.B.Dowd argue in his book? 

A)Ev-erybody is born with the capacity to draw.

B) Drawing is a skill that requires special training

C) The value of drawing tends to be overestimated

D) Drawing should be redefined as a realistic illusion.

49.What have some researchers found from one studyabout doodling? 

A) lt is a must for maintaining a base levelof brain activity.

B) lt can turn something boring into something interesting

C) lt is the most reliable stimulant to activate l the brain.

D) lt helps improve concentration and memory.

50.What is characteristic of people withdrawing talent? 

A)Sensitivity to cognitive stimulation.

B) Subtlety of representation.

C)Accuracy in categorization.

D) Precision in visual perception.



We often think of drawing as something that takes inborn talent, but this kind of thinking

 46. A) It is a gift creative people are endowed with.

 47. C) They add beauty and charm to the world.

 48. A) Everybody is born with the capacity to draw.

 49. D) It helps improve concentration and memory.

 50. D) Precision in visual perception




Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a letter to a foreign friend who wants to study in China. Please recommend a university to him. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.


Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a letter to a foreign friend who wants to teach English. Please recommend a city to him. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.


中国,地球上最吸引人的国家之一,有5000多年的历史,是目前全球第二大经济体(the second largest economy)。随着广泛的经济改革,中国正经历着显著、快速的变化。1949年以前的中国极端贫困、收入不平衡(incomeinequalities)、国家不安全。由于经济改革,从1980年开始,人民的生活水平开始提升至基本水平之上。全国人口有了足够的食物、衣服和住房,普通家庭可以吃得起各种各样的食物,穿得上时尚的衣服。


The fifth largest city in US passed a significant soda tax proposal that will levy (征税)1.5 cents per liquid ounce on distributors.

Philadelphil's new measure was approved by a 13 to 4 city council vote. It sets a new bar for similar initiatives across the country. It is proof that taxes on sugary drinks can win substantial support outside super-liberal areas. Until now, the only city to successfully pass and implement a soda tax was Berkeley, California, in 2014.

The tax will apply to regular and diet sodas, as well as other drinks with adder sugar, such as Gatorade and iced teas. It's expected to raise $410 million over the next five years, most of which will go toward funding a universal pre-kindergarten program for the city.

While the city council vote was met with applause inside the council room, opponents to the measure, including soda lobbyists, made sharp criticisms and a promise to challenge the tax in court.

"The tax passed today unfairly singles out beverages — including low —and no-calorie choices," said Lauren Kane, spokeswoman for the American Beverage Association. "But most importantly, it is against the law. So we will side with the majority of the people of Philadelphia who oppose this tax and take legal action to stop it."

An industry-backed anti-tax campaign has spent at least $4 million on advertisements. The ads criticized the measure, characterizing it as a "grocery tax".

Public health groups applauded the approved tax as step toward fixing certain lasting health issues that plague Americans. "The move to recapture a small part of the profits from an industry that pushed a product that contributes to diabetes, obesity and heart disease in poorer communities in order to reinvest in those communities will sure be inspirational to many other places," said Jim Krieger, executive director of Healthy Food America. "indeed, we are already hearing from some of them. It's not 'just Berkeley' anymore."

Similar measures in California's Albany, Oakland, San Francisco and Colorado's Boulder are becoming hot-button issues. Health advocacy groups have hinted that even more might be coming.

46. What does the passage say about the newly-approved soda tax in Philadelphia?

A) It will change the lifestyle of many consumers.

B) It may encourage other US cities to fllow suit.

C) It will cut soda consumption among low-income communities.

D) It may influence the marketing strategies of the soda business.

47. What will the opponents probably do to respond to the soda tax proposal?

A) Bargain with the city council.

B) Refuse to pay additional tax.

C) Take legal action against it.

D) Try to win public support.

48. What did the industry-backed anti-tax campaign do about the soda tax proposal?

A) It tried to arouse hostile felings among consumers.

B) It tried to win grocers' support against the measure.

C) It kept sending ltters of protest to the media.

D) It criticized the measure through advertising.

49. What did public health groups think the soda tax would do?

A) Alert people to the risk of sugar-induced diseases.

B) Help people to fix certain long-time health issues.

C) Add to the fund for their rescarch on discases.

D) Benefit low-income people across the country.

50. What do we lear about similar measures concening the soda tax in some other citics?

A) They are becoming rather sensitive issues.

B) They are spreading panic in the soda industry.

C) They are reducing the incidence of sugar-induced diseases.

D) They are taking away a lot of proft from the soda industry.




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