As I mentioned last week, I’ve recently returned from Australia. While I was there, I visited a eucalyptus forest that, in February, was the scene of an appalling wildfire. Perhaps naively, I had expected to find that many trees had been killed. They hadn’t. They had blackened bark, but were otherwise looking rather well, many of them wreathed in new young leaves. This prompted me to consider fire and the role it plays as a force of nature.
Fossil charcoals tell us that wildfires have been part of life on Earth for as long as there have been plants on land. That’s more than 400 million years of fire. Fire was here long before arriviste plants like grasses; it pre-dated the first flowers. And without wanting to get mystical about it, fire is, in many respects, a kind of animal, albeit an ethereal one. Like any animal, it consumes oxygen. Like a sheep or a slug, it eats plants. But unlike a normal animal, it’s a shape-shifter. Sometimes, it merely nibbles a few leaves; sometimes it kills grown trees. Sometimes it is more deadly and destructive than a swarm of locusts.
The shape-shifting nature of fire makes it hard to study, for it is not a single entity. Some fires are infernally hot; others, relatively cool. Some stay at ground level; others climb trees. Moreover, fire is much more likely to appear in some parts of the world than in others. Satellite images of the Earth show that wildfires are rare in, say, northern Europe, and common in parts of central Africa and Australia. (These days many wildfires are started by humans, either on purpose or by accident. But long before our ancestors began to throw torches or cigarette butts, fires were started by lightning strikes, or by sparks given off when rocks rub together in an avalanche.)
Once a fire gets started, many factors contribute to how it will behave. The weather obviously has a huge effect: winds can fan flames, rains can quench them. The lie of the land matters, too: fire runs uphi
- A.CK
- B.LD
- E.Mb
- 查看答案
- A.肺炎球菌
- B.表皮葡萄球菌
- C.金黄葡萄球菌
- D.A群链球菌
- E.B群链球菌
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- A.需在高盐(6.5%NaCl)培养
- B.医院感染常见菌
- C.在40%胆汁培养基中能分解七叶苷
- D.氧化酶阴性
- E.触酶试验阳性
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- A.大肠埃希菌
- B.金黄葡萄球菌
- C.枯草芽胞杆菌
- D.铜绿假单胞菌
- E.嗜热脂肪芽胞杆菌
- 查看答案
- A.脑膜炎球菌
- B.流感嗜血杆菌
- C.金黄葡萄球菌
- D.百日咳鲍特菌
- E.牛布鲁菌
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