I love flowers and hence have taken to growing them. But, short of time to do research and experiment in flower cultivation, I am no gardener at all. I merely take flower cultivation as a pleasure of life. I really don't care whether or not my flowers will put forth plump and nice-looking blossoms, I’ll be delighted as long as they can blossom. In summer, flowers and plants growing in luxuriance in my small courtyard will leave little open space as a playground for the little cats, so they have to sport about in our rooms instead.
I grow many flowers, but none of them are exotic or rare ones. It is difficult to grow a precious flower species. And I feel bad to see a good {lower dying of illness. I don't want often to shed tears over that. But Beijing's climate is more or less unfit for the growing of flowers. Freezing in winter, windy in spring, and either too dry or too often visited by rainstorms in summer. While autumn is the best of all, it is often plagued by a sudden frost. In a climate like this, it is far beyond my capacity to grow precious flowers of southern breed. Therefore, I only grow flowers and plants that are hardy and enjoy a high survival rate.
- A.CK
- B.LD
- E.Mb
- 查看答案
- A.肺炎球菌
- B.表皮葡萄球菌
- C.金黄葡萄球菌
- D.A群链球菌
- E.B群链球菌
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- A.需在高盐(6.5%NaCl)培养
- B.医院感染常见菌
- C.在40%胆汁培养基中能分解七叶苷
- D.氧化酶阴性
- E.触酶试验阳性
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- A.大肠埃希菌
- B.金黄葡萄球菌
- C.枯草芽胞杆菌
- D.铜绿假单胞菌
- E.嗜热脂肪芽胞杆菌
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- A.脑膜炎球菌
- B.流感嗜血杆菌
- C.金黄葡萄球菌
- D.百日咳鲍特菌
- E.牛布鲁菌
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