



































Sales Contract

NO. : 20090909

Date: Sept. 9,2009

China National Cereals, Oils Foodstuffs Import and Export Corporation, Shenzhen Branch, hereinafter called the (81),agree to sell and China Native Products, INC, Los Angeles, California, (82) , hereinafter called the Buyers, agree to buy the under - mentioned goods subject to the terms and conditions stipulated (83):

1. Name of Commodity Specifications : ZHONG HUA BRAND Salted Cucumber

50 tins * 200 grams

2. Quantity and Weight : 100 Cartons/1000kg.

3. (84) Price: C F C3% Los Angeles or San Francisco

US $ 20. 00 per carton

4. Amount : US $ 2000. 00

5. Time of shipment : During Oct. /Nov.,2009

6. (85) : In Cartons

7. Marks No. : ZHONG HUA BRAND

Salted Cucumber

NO. 1-100

8. Loading (86) and Destination : From Shenzhen, China to Los Angeles or San Francisco

9. Insurance : To be (87) by the Buyers

10. Terms of Payment : To be made against sight draft drawn under an irrevocable (88),for the total value of goods in US $ 2000. 00, (89) 10% more or less both in amount and quantity at Sellersoption,established through a bank which is mutually agreed by the two sides.

11. Inspection : Certificate of quality weight and phytosanitary certificate (90) by China Entry Exit Inspection and Quarantine authorities shall be provided to the Buyers. The quality and weight certified in the certificates are to be taken as final.





Sales Contract

NO. : 20090909

Date: Sept. 9,2009

China National Cereals, Oils Foodstuffs Import and Export Corporation, Shenzhen Branch, hereinafter called the (81),agree to sell and China Native Products, INC, Los Angeles, California, (82) , hereinafter called the Buyers, agree to buy the under - mentioned goods subject to the terms and conditions stipulated (83):

1. Name of Commodity Specifications : ZHONG HUA BRAND Salted Cucumber

50 tins * 200 grams

2. Quantity and Weight : 100 Cartons/1000kg.

3. (84) Price: C F C3% Los Angeles or San Francisco

US $ 20. 00 per carton

4. Amount : US $ 2000. 00

5. Time of shipment : During Oct. /Nov.,2009

6. (85) : In Cartons

7. Marks No. : ZHONG HUA BRAND

Salted Cucumber

NO. 1-100

8. Loading (86) and Destination : From Shenzhen, China to Los Angeles or San Francisco

9. Insurance : To be (87) by the Buyers

10. Terms of Payment : To be made against sight draft drawn under an irrevocable (88),for the total value of goods in US $ 2000. 00, (89) 10% more or less both in amount and quantity at Sellersoption,established through a bank which is mutually agreed by the two sides.

11. Inspection : Certificate of quality weight and phytosanitary certificate (90) by China Entry Exit Inspection and Quarantine authorities shall be provided to the Buyers. The quality and weight certified in the certificates are to be taken as final.





Sales Contract

NO. : 20090909

Date: Sept. 9,2009

China National Cereals, Oils Foodstuffs Import and Export Corporation, Shenzhen Branch, hereinafter called the (81),agree to sell and China Native Products, INC, Los Angeles, California, (82) , hereinafter called the Buyers, agree to buy the under - mentioned goods subject to the terms and conditions stipulated (83):

1. Name of Commodity Specifications : ZHONG HUA BRAND Salted Cucumber

50 tins * 200 grams

2. Quantity and Weight : 100 Cartons/1000kg.

3. (84) Price: C F C3% Los Angeles or San Francisco

US $ 20. 00 per carton

4. Amount : US $ 2000. 00

5. Time of shipment : During Oct. /Nov.,2009

6. (85) : In Cartons

7. Marks No. : ZHONG HUA BRAND

Salted Cucumber

NO. 1-100

8. Loading (86) and Destination : From Shenzhen, China to Los Angeles or San Francisco

9. Insurance : To be (87) by the Buyers

10. Terms of Payment : To be made against sight draft drawn under an irrevocable (88),for the total value of goods in US $ 2000. 00, (89) 10% more or less both in amount and quantity at Sellersoption,established through a bank which is mutually agreed by the two sides.

11. Inspection : Certificate of quality weight and phytosanitary certificate (90) by China Entry Exit Inspection and Quarantine authorities shall be provided to the Buyers. The quality and weight certified in the certificates are to be taken as final.





Sales Contract

NO. : 20090909

Date: Sept. 9,2009

China National Cereals, Oils Foodstuffs Import and Export Corporation, Shenzhen Branch, hereinafter called the (81),agree to sell and China Native Products, INC, Los Angeles, California, (82) , hereinafter called the Buyers, agree to buy the under - mentioned goods subject to the terms and conditions stipulated (83):

1. Name of Commodity Specifications : ZHONG HUA BRAND Salted Cucumber

50 tins * 200 grams

2. Quantity and Weight : 100 Cartons/1000kg.

3. (84) Price: C F C3% Los Angeles or San Francisco

US $ 20. 00 per carton

4. Amount : US $ 2000. 00

5. Time of shipment : During Oct. /Nov.,2009

6. (85) : In Cartons

7. Marks No. : ZHONG HUA BRAND

Salted Cucumber

NO. 1-100

8. Loading (86) and Destination : From Shenzhen, China to Los Angeles or San Francisco

9. Insurance : To be (87) by the Buyers

10. Terms of Payment : To be made against sight draft drawn under an irrevocable (88),for the total value of goods in US $ 2000. 00, (89) 10% more or less both in amount and quantity at Sellersoption,established through a bank which is mutually agreed by the two sides.

11. Inspection : Certificate of quality weight and phytosanitary certificate (90) by China Entry Exit Inspection and Quarantine authorities shall be provided to the Buyers. The quality and weight certified in the certificates are to be taken as final.





Sales Contract

NO. : 20090909

Date: Sept. 9,2009

China National Cereals, Oils Foodstuffs Import and Export Corporation, Shenzhen Branch, hereinafter called the (81),agree to sell and China Native Products, INC, Los Angeles, California, (82) , hereinafter called the Buyers, agree to buy the under - mentioned goods subject to the terms and conditions stipulated (83):

1. Name of Commodity Specifications : ZHONG HUA BRAND Salted Cucumber

50 tins * 200 grams

2. Quantity and Weight : 100 Cartons/1000kg.

3. (84) Price: C F C3% Los Angeles or San Francisco

US $ 20. 00 per carton

4. Amount : US $ 2000. 00

5. Time of shipment : During Oct. /Nov.,2009

6. (85) : In Cartons

7. Marks No. : ZHONG HUA BRAND

Salted Cucumber

NO. 1-100

8. Loading (86) and Destination : From Shenzhen, China to Los Angeles or San Francisco

9. Insurance : To be (87) by the Buyers

10. Terms of Payment : To be made against sight draft drawn under an irrevocable (88),for the total value of goods in US $ 2000. 00, (89) 10% more or less both in amount and quantity at Sellersoption,established through a bank which is mutually agreed by the two sides.

11. Inspection : Certificate of quality weight and phytosanitary certificate (90) by China Entry Exit Inspection and Quarantine authorities shall be provided to the Buyers. The quality and weight certified in the certificates are to be taken as final.




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